So, The Jussie Smollett Chicago Incident.

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( A Google search into “Jussie Smollett” will turn pretty mundane results. If you’re someone who uses Bing—because you know, those points will get you that sweet $5 Amazon gift card—you’ll end up with “Jussie Smollett hoax” and “Jussie Smollett attack” off the bat.

The 36-year old Empire star made headlines this month when he went into Chicago’s Northwestern Memorial Hospital claimed to have been attacked in the Streeterville area. There was an outpouring of support initially then the skeptics showed up once it became evident there wasn’t any evidence showing that Smollett was attacked.

As it turns out, he wasn’t attacked. The whole thing was a work because he wasn’t pleased with his Empire pay and wanted to use the attack and hate mail sent to the studio to leverage for a better contract.

Jussie Smollett’s Gambit

See, Chicago has cameras everywhere. Well, in most locations. If an attack occurred, his masked attackers picked a prime blind spot to strike. While the Chicago police didn’t have footage of the attack, Smollett was said to have been on the phone during the attack. Now, he couldn’t provide the phone because he really needs it, apparently.

First, is the guy at the center of this story: Jussie Smollett. He claimed that he was attacked by two men in masks with one wearing a MAGA hat. Allegedly, the two shouted racial and homophobic slurs at him during the attack.

You have the Chicago police who don’t have the best reputation this decade. Some Chicago residents who have discussed the incident point out that the police aren’t to be trusted. Given that they leaked stuff surrounding the attack rapidly and have a recent history of trouble around planting evidence, it’s easy to see why their moves were to be taken with healthy skepticism.

The Two Extras…

Finally, we have the two Empire extras who claimed to have been paid $3,500 for the attack. They also said they rehearsed the attack with Smollett. Even worse is if Smollett used extras from his own show.

How do you go about that and pay them with a check? Now, hits have been carried out and paid for with checks in the past but as one Twitter user pointed out:

“I need you to do something illegal. Here’s a check, just write whatever amount you want” Who does that in 2019? Lee Daniels couldn’t write this.

Also, if you’re smart enough to avoid city cameras—in a large city with cameras everywhere—but you end up on camera in the store where you purchased the disguise? Really? This is the best staged attack talent a wealthy actor and musician could pull off?

Originally, I leaned towards him not doing it. It’s a just too poorly put together to be true. This had to have been planned by someone who graduated the Leopold and Loeb school of Crime—right there in Chicago.

Actual Victims of Hate Crimes

So, Jussie Smollett lied. On top of that, he ran with a hate crime for the motive of money. What the flying hell? He’ll be dragged and will eventually discuss this event on an episode of Unsung.

That said, it shouldn’t take away from Black LGBT+ people who are victims of hate crimes. On the right and just in our community, there’s some bubbling comments about how attacks are exaggerated and that victims lie about their assaults.

These statements are made when you have the drugging deaths and assaults of gay Black men by a Democratic donor that was in the spotlight this month. Hell, history is a good indicator that this happens with the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer moving into a Black part of Milwaukee so that he could target gay and bisexual Black men.

These things happen, it’s more frequent than you’d think, and this—I don’t even know what to call this situation—shouldn’t distract from this or diminish support for our brothers and sisters in the LGBT+ community.

Staff Writer; M. Swift

This talented writer is also a podcast host, and comic book fan who loves all things old school. One may also find him on Twitter at; metalswift.