What to do When You’re Pulled Over by the Police.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) When we drive, we all do our best to follow the rules of the road. Sure, we might go a little over the speed limit, or come to a rolling stop at that stop sign, but for the most part we obey the laws. Unfortunately, sometimes we get a little too lax in our habits, and this is when we typically notice the police lights flashing behind us.

There are plenty of reasons that a police officer could be pulling you over. But no matter the reason, there are a few things you should do to best handle the situation.

Make Sure It’s a Real Police Officer

First, before you even stop your car, you should check to make sure it’s a real police officer. Some people have been known to impersonate police officers, with the intent of causing harm to the person they’re conning. When you see the lights go on behind you, try to get a good look at the car. Does it seem to be in good shape? Can you spot the reflective stickers that come on most police cars? These are good signs that the police car is real.

If you’re unsure, or you want to double check, you can always call in to your local police station. Ask them to confirm there is a police officer in your location and give them the license plate number of the car behind you if you can. It only takes a minute to ensure the person behind you is a real police officer, and if the officer asks why you didn’t pull over right away, you can explain that you were checking to make sure they were authentic.

Stay Inside the Car

Once you’re sure that you’re being pulled over by a real police officer, get to the side of the road as soon as you can. If there’s an empty parking lot nearby, you can also pull into this to give yourself some more room from the traffic on the road.

In some countries it is customary to get out of the car and talk with the police officer. This is definitely not the case in the United States. Police Officers are trained to react negatively if someone gets out of their car, and if you do, you could quickly find yourself on the ground or with a weapon pointed at you.

Stay in the car, shut off the engine, and turn down the radio. Then, as the police officer approaches the window, roll it down so that you can talk. If the police officer wants you to get out of the car, they will let you know. Otherwise just stay in the car and keep your hands visible.

Remain Calm

Getting pulled over is stressful, but it’s important not to let this stress get to your head. Maybe you panic because you won’t be able to afford the ticket you’re about to get, or maybe you’re just having an off day and you believe you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s understandable to get upset, but don’t let this influence your actions. Getting angry will only make things worse for you. Take some deep breaths, answer all of the officers questions as best as you can, and take your punishment without complaint. You can vent later to your friends or family – for now just keep everything bottled up.

Learn from Your Mistakes

Chances are you weren’t pulled over for no reason. Even if you don’t like the reason you were pulled over (“I was only over the speed limit a little!”), that doesn’t mean the reason isn’t real. You could blame the police officer, but this won’t get you very far. Instead, it’s better to learn from your mistakes and correct your driving habits going forward.

What to do if There’s a Problem

Finally, not all cops are model citizens. Sometimes they will take advantage of the situation or not treat you fairly. Police misconduct is a very serious offence, and if it happens to you, you’ll want to get help dealing with it. According to Schwartzapfel lawyers “Police misconduct can range from false or unlawful arrests and false imprisonment to excessive use of force.” If this happens, remain calm so that the situation doesn’t escalate, then get some legal help.

Getting Back on the Road

Getting pulled over isn’t fun, but the best thing you can do is turn it into a learning experience. If you’re lucky the police officer will let you off with a warning or just a small fine. No matter the punishment though, it’s important that you take it, then go forward learning from your mistakes. This is the best way to avoid getting pulled over again, so that you don’t have to repeat this process.

To learn more about what your legal rights are at a police stop and what to do, check out this guide from the ACLU.

Staff Writer; George Day

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