Natural Remedies for Eczema.

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(ThyBlackMan.comEczema sufferers know that the advent of cold, dry weather often makes their eczema worse. The good news, according to is that itchy, flaking and inflamed skin can be soothed with remedies that are not only natural but whose ingredients can be easily found around the house.

Here are a few of them:


Oats have both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, which means it stops free radical molecules from damaging the skin. It’s not only good externally, but it even helps the skin when it’s eaten because it pulls toxins out of the skin that can trigger eczema. Besides gentle scrubs made of regular oatmeal, dermatologists recommend colloidal oatmeal for eczema. This type of oatmeal is so finely ground that it is basically a powder. In that form, it can be dissolved in warm bath water to make a sock.

Evening Primrose Oil

The evening primrose is a beautiful flower, but the key to soothing eczema is the oil that comes from its seeds. The oil has anti-inflammatory qualities and compounds that help rejuvenate the skin. It doesn’t have a long shelf-life, so it should be used quickly. A better idea would be to buy the oil in gel capsules, and break them open as needed.

Evening primrose oil is light, dry and able to sink deeply into irritated skin. Because it also locks in moisture, it keeps the skin from drying out and being prone to eczema outbreaks. It helps skin cells take in more oxygen and resist infection. Evening primrose oil capsules can also be swallowed to support the health of the skin.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a plant native to the Americas. It’s been used for centuries to heal skin eruptions, swelling and inflammation. The extract is made by steaming the twigs of the plant to create a type of herbal water called hydrosol. Witch hazel is an astringent, which means it dries the skin. Some people do find it a bit too drying, so a person with eczema should use just enough to calm their skin. It can be dabbed directly on the skin eruptions.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is famous for its ability to soothe, moisturize and nourish the skin. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with eczema.

The skin absorbs coconut oil quickly, and the oil is best applied when the skin is damp or with dampened hands. The user should avoid overly refined coconut oil, and buy cold pressed organic oil.


Since one of the triggers of eczema is stress, techniques that foster relaxation can be one of the easiest ways to combat eczema. These techniques can include meditation, yoga, biofeedback, listening to music or even deep breathing. One technique is to make a skin care regimen part of the relaxation technique. This can include preparing the bathroom with candles and soft music, washing and toning the skin and applying an eczema-reducing oil or cream.

Eczema is a scourge, but the person who has it does not have to simply endure it. Besides those mentioned, there are even more ways to combat this skin problem. Many natural products can contribute to skin that is clear, bright and youthful.

Staff Writer; William Moore