(ThyBlackMan.com) Anyone who is shocked or surprised by the current immigration battles in Europe and the United States must not have read a 2016 column in the New York Post newspaper written by Ralph Peters. They also must be unaware of the 1916 book, The Passing of the Great Race, by ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Microsoft Surface product line is simply amazing. All the Surface products look classy and professional. These are the qualities which you will rarely find in any device unless it belongs to Apple’s MacBook Pro line of computers. The Surface Pro 6 and the Surface Book 2 stand out for the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) One of the things that separates the NBA from other sports leagues is their consistent efforts towards the development of the game of basketball globally. The National Football League continues to push NFL regular season games overseas but there hasn’t been a major uptick in the amount of international players ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I’ll tell you that life can be simultaneously ironic and humorous. Ironic because when you think about it, we invite into our lives the things that set us back a significant measure and humorous because when the bill comes due for our foolishness, we are forced to evaluate the poor choices ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) What do you think of the proposition that no black youngsters should be saved from educational rot until all can be saved? Black people cannot afford to accept such a proposition. Actions by the education establishment, black and white liberal politicians, and some civil rights organizations appear to support the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Properly taking care of your pregnant wife will be one of the most selfless things that you will do, next to taking care of your child once they arrive. During your wife’s pregnancy is a time where she will require more attention, patience, and cooperation. This is also a time ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) What’s the next uber? Technology is moving at a pace like never before. As a Generation X member, who grew up at the start of the internet and dial up modems and America Online, even I feel overwhelmed at the pace at which things are changing and growing. Sure, flying ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Donald Trump began his presidency with an inaugural address that denounced the “carnage” that had preceded him. He vowed to Make America Great Again, and set about systematically trying to deep-six virtually everything that his predecessor Barack Obama had accomplished. Now, after two years, the contrast is stark and clear. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Gentrification has emerged as a major threat to Black communities that have been centers for Black business/economic development, cultural and civic life for generations. Gentrification has become the watch-word for the displacement of Black people and culture. Gentrification is the “Negro Removal Program” of the 21st Century. There is an urgent ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Self-care is important. Not only for women but for men as well. It is the act of intentionally taking time to take care of yourself. Daily routines are often considered self-care, however, actual self-care is intentional action, not something that happens out of habit or routine. Self-care is very important ...