Top 5 Legitimate Reasons As To Why The “Black Panther” Film Was Detrimental To Black People.

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( I remember being so hyped for the “Black Panther” film like many black people were earlier this year after seeing him kick ass and take names, but after I saw “Black Panther” from home early this year, I immediately disliked the film for several legitimate reasons that I will explain in this article.

Here are top 5 legitimate reasons as to why “Black Panther” was detrimental to black people.

1. The Negative Portayal Of Kilmonger – Marvel deliberately portrayed Kilmonger in the film as a “bad negro” because he actually stood up for black people and candidly spoke about the oppression that black people all around the world have been facing for over 600 years. Kilmonger to me personally was actually the hero of the film that was totally badass, not the neocolonial villain in T’Challa. Kilmonger was my favorite character from that film because embodies the spirit of a real black revolutionary like Malcolm X/ Huey Newton who were anti-black elite and anti-establishment.

2. The Glorified Portayal Of Wakanda – One of the things that I personally hated about this film so much was the glorified portrayal of Wakanda as this “advanced civilized country” until it was revealed in the film that they were nothing more but a puppeted neocolonial government for white imperialist powers like The U.S. and U.K. that was sitting on top of a goldmine of Africa in typical selfish greedy fashion that refused to distribute the wealth throughout Africa and to African people and were revealed to have collaborated with The U.S. Government to crush the movement for a socialist revolution.

3. The White Feminist Agenda – Another thing about the film that I personally didn’t like very much was that I felt that this film perpetuated the white feminist agenda in the form of perpetuating this “gender war” between black men and black women because it portrayed black women as masculine and not as the tough feminine warriors that they should be. I don’t like seeing black men and black women fighting each other at all which is why I absolutely hated the scene towards the end of the film that had black men and black women fighting against one another.

4. The Negative Portayal Of Dark Skinned Black Women – Even though I will always love my dark skinned sistas, I was not a big fan of how negatively they were portrayed in “Black Panther” because Hollywood always portrays as masculine, never feminine, and overweight, angry, ratchet, and violent. These same negative portrayals were very evident in “Black Panther”.

5. The Glorified Portayal Of T’Challa As A “Hero” – Another legitimate reason as to why I greatly disliked this film because they had the nerve to portray T’Challa as the “hero” of the film when he was actually revealed to be nothing more but a neocolonial puppet for The U.S. and that his dad worked for The Pro-Imperialist United Nations and that he himself had collaborated with The CIA (the same political agency that conspired with The FBI to crush The Black Revolution Of The 1960s).

The Conclusion – “Black Panther” was definitely not a film I greatly enjoyed because it wasn’t the film that black people had truly been waited for.

Staff Writer; Kwame Shakir (aka Joe D.)


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