The Democrats Use Hitler’s Propaganda Technique.

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( Folks, I guess I should let this go. But, it still blows my mind that the American left is committed to branding Brett Kavanaugh, without a shred of evidence, a sexual predator for the rest of his life. That is incredibly, cold, calculating and evil.

Adolf Hitler said, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” This propaganda technique has been embraced by the Democratic party. Here are three huge lies Democrats continue to invest billions worth of media to deceive the public. Big lie number one: America’s cops are racist and routinely murder blacks. Big lie number two: Trump colluded with Russia to steal the presidency from Hillary. Big lie number three: Brett Kavanaugh is a serial rapist.

Let’s address Democrats’ big lie that cops kill blacks for being black. Harvard professor Roland Fryer analyzed over 1,000 officer-involved shootings across the country. Fryer concluded that there is zero evidence of racial bias in police shootings. Inner-city black communities are plagued by criminals, not police.

In 2014, over 6000 blacks were murdered, more than all white and Hispanic homicide victims combined. These blacks were not killed by whites or cops. They were killed by other blacks.

Researching “deadly force” a study by Washington University’s Lois James revealed that police were less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than unarmed whites and Hispanics in similar threat scenarios. Federal crime stats show that 12% of whites and Hispanics who die by homicide are killed by cops. Only 4% of black homicide victims are killed by cops.

There is no government agency dedicated to protecting black lives more than the police. Proactive policing in the mid-1990s had a huge impact, bringing down the inner-city murder rate and saving tens of thousands of black lives. Democrats and leftists spread their lie that cops are racist which caused cops to back-off. This resulted in violent crime back on the rise and black lives lost. In cities with large black populations, homicides in 2015 rose from 54% to 90%.

Immorally, Democrats, fake news media and Hollywood are still promoting the lie that black criminal Michael Brown was gunned-down by a racist white cop while trying to surrender with his hands up. Blood in the officer’s police car proved Brown was shot while assaulting the police officer inside his car.
Leftists branding cops racist is a selfish evil scheme to keep blacks falsely believing they are victims in a forever racist America. Leftists’ message to blacks is voting for Democrats is blacks only hope of keeping racist white America at bay. A despicable Democrat get-out-the-vote campaign told black parents that they had better vote or send their elementary students to school wearing bullet proof vests to protect them from racist white police.

Black Lives Matter thugs, funded by George Soros and anti-America groups, continue to ambush and assassinate innocent police officers around the country because of Democrats’ lie that cops kill blacks because they are black.

Democrats’ big lie that Trump stole the presidential election via collusion with Russia. After two years of investigations, there is zero evidence supportive of this absurd Democrat lie. Democrats presented their lie in such a way to make voters believe Russia tampered with the counting of votes which is impossible. Fake news media, Democrats and Hollywood continue to promote their Trump-Russia-Collusion lie 24/7 for the past 2 years; believing American voters will come to believe it – making Trump’s presidency illegitimate.

Democrats’ big lie that conservative Brett Kavanaugh is a sexual predator/serial rapist. This huge lie pulled out of thin air by Democrats is particularly heinous and cruel. Throughout his 30 something year career, Kavanaugh passed seven FBI background checks with flying-colors. Dr Ford who accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her 36 years ago does not remember the date, place and other crucial facts regarding her allegation.

And yet, Democrats, fake news media and Hollywood have decreed Kavanaugh guilty simply because this woman said so. Daily piling onto their outrageous allegations, Democrats sought to block Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the supreme court by branding him a drunk who experienced frequent blackouts in which he participated in group rapes. But get this folks, while these allegations against Kavanaugh are obviously false, Democrats will promote their Kavanaugh is a sexual predator/serial rapist lie for the rest of his life. How truly sick is that?

It bears repeating that leftists use liberal activist justices on the Supreme Court to force laws on voters against their will. Kavanaugh on the court will give conservatives a five to four majority. This is why leftists seek to destroy Kavanaugh, his wife and two daughters at any and all cost.

The mid-term elections are only weeks away. Clearly, Democrats’ big lies prove they are willing to sacrifice decency, morality and human lives in their depraved quest to win and maintain political power. Decent right-thinking Americans cannot possibly want Democrats in control of the peoples’ house and senate. The Democratic party has become the home of the ultra-left and demonically evil. It must be defeated. My fellow Americans, please vote Republican in the swiftly approaching mid-terms.

Staff Writer; Lloyd Marcus

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.

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