(ThyBlackMan.com) “He did it the right way.” The phrase repeated from NFL commentators and analysts, retired NFL legend Peyton Manning. It’s Monday Night Football in America. Redskins. Saints. Violence and flags waving. American flags, mostly. Drew Brees, the hero quarterback of the bayou states team, has just surpassed another record, all-time passing yards. Congratulations. His wife, baby girl, and three sons stand at the edge of the sideline to greet him. His coach enjoys and man-love embrace before a strong pat on the shoulder pads brings back the tough stuff. “Let’s go win a football game!”
“He did it the right way.” The words repeat throughout the broadcast. The symbolism is everywhere. The San Francisco 49ers former quarterback Alex Smith, who was “replaced” in 2012 by the now infamous Colin Kaepernick, is at the same position now with the Washington pro football club (seriously, wtf is up with the name D.C.?). Colin is spoken of very briefly at the start of the broadcast, and then nothing. Of course not.
So, really, what do these folks mean by, “he did it the right way?” A commercial jumps out. Lil Wayne. Cardi B. A new, hip show is coming, “Hustle in Brooklyn.” All the vernacular rings out. It’s rap culture sponsorship. Sponsoring the flag waving and jolts of black bodies slamming in to one another. BAM! The no-kneel policy. No commentary about the halftime show but I press and wonder did the announcers think Lil Wayne did it the right way? Futile point, maybe cynical. But, I’ve heard this verbiage many times before in the past.
I do believe Colin Kaepernick is still on the minds of many NFL commentators, athletes, and fans. They definitely share in the sentiments that Colin didn’t do it…”the right way.” The phrase is a way to take a slight dig at Colin Kaepernick (and the people who support him) but on a larger scale what are they really pointing to when speaking so fondly of Drew Brees? The way he wears his hair or lack there of? The style in which he speaks? His patriotism? Or more specifically is it his good old boy morale? Is the right way code for the WHITE way?
Drew Bree’s isn’t really what this is about. In the larger context, I do believe this phrase points to a narrative that has changed, shifted, and been crafted to marginalize community or individual uniqueness and independence, dissent, revolution, and anyone or anything that looks to operate outside the box/norm. Remember, in August of 2016 Drew had this to say about Colin Kaepernick, “ I disagree. I wholeheartedly disagree….There are plenty of other ways he can do that in a peaceful manner that doesn’t involve being disrespectful to the American flag.” Peaceful, Drew? You mean like kneeling quietly while fans heckle you, curse you?
Just a year later, Saints players including Kenny Vaccaro, (who’d been critical of Kaepernick’s choice of dissenting platform) began to sit during the national anthem despite continuing, widespread backlash throughout the country. Some of the backlash locally in Louisiana for the Saints defender included board members backing out of his foundation (created to help economically challenged students with resources to strengthen and further their education) in protest of his protest. The narrative never changes, folks. You can contribute, just do it by procedure, or be moved aside, accused of NOT doing it the right way.
By the way, what do you believe we will be talking about Colin the same way in 40 years, as the honorable Muhammad Ali (see: Cassius Clay protest America’s bloody war, draft dodging)? Is there a time period that passes in the American psyche before a black man’s protest goes from being shamed and shunned to memorialized in commercialized on T-shirts and magazine covers?
Staff Writer; Charles Foster Jolivette
This talented young man can also be found over at; The California Creole and also Charles Patreon Page.
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