(ThyBlackMan.com) For the past week the nation has been transfixed watching the Supreme Court confirmation process for Judge Brett Cavanaugh featuring lurid tales of underage drinking and sexual assault. The hearing at week’s end saw a performance by the nominee that careened between snarling and sniveling and should have been disqualifying in and of itself, but instead resulted in further investigation into alleged acts from some thirty years ago. Stay tuned for the next episode of team Trump reality television.
In the meantime something else, of equal or greater importance, also happened during the week. The President of the United States was greeted with derisive laughter for his boastful claims before world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly. And, during his turn as Chairman of the U.N. Security Council, the remaining signatories of the so-called Iran Nuclear Deal – France, Germany, Russia, China and the United Kingdom – again rebuffed U.S. calls for their withdrawal and reaffirmed their continued support. In fact, in a side meeting, they signed an agreement to devise a “parallel financial system” to bypass upcoming American sanctions on Iranian oil exports. The President of France further proposed that U.N. members should refuse to enter into trade agreements with any countries who are not members of the Paris Climate Accord – of which the U.S. is the only one.
So what does all this mean? In essence, it means that the president’s ‘America First’ doctrine is devolving into ‘America Alone’. From trade, to diplomacy, to security, America is no longer seen as a trusted partner, let alone leader, of the international order constructed from the ashes of World War Two. And while the nomination of a Supreme Court Justice is certainly consequential domestically, the fracturing of our foreign alliances also has far reaching implications for our future security and prosperity.
To be laughed at is worse than being booed. The latter means people disagree with your words or actions, while the former means you are someone not to be taken seriously. After a period of deference, followed by evaluation, world leaders have concluded that the president, for all his bravado, is a blowhard – someone they need not take seriously. Not only that, they have figured out how easily he is played by flattery aimed at his fragile ego. Witness the Saudis early on and the North Koreans of late.
Think about how dangerous this is. In times of crises unquestioned credibility is essential. There is a story about President Kennedy and the President of France, Charles de Gaulle, during the Cuban missile crisis that illustrates this. Kennedy, seeking to galvanize our allies to support his actions to block the Russians from supplying Cuba with more offensive weapons, offered to show de Gaulle satellite photos of missile installations on the island to prove his point. President de Gaulle is reported to have replied, “The word of the President of the United States is all the evidence I need”. Do you think the current occupant of the White House would get the same response?
What we have just seen with the confirmation spectacle for Judge Cavanaugh is but one example of how far we have sunk. The man blatantly lied about his character in high school and college, the legal drinking age in Maryland when he was in high school, the meaning of the reference to the game ‘Devil’s Triangle’ in his yearbook, among other things, and his snarky retort to the question of possible memory loss by a female Senator displayed his open disrespect for her, and contempt for the entire process: how dare they question him! The president, who has always sided with the accused in sexual assault cases – Bill O’Reilly, Harvey Weinstein, Roy Moore – stands accused by more than a dozen women of lewd conduct himself. The Washington Post has documented more than 4,000 lies he has told since in office, starting with the infamous whooper the day after he was sworn in about the size of his inaugural crowd. Now, world leaders have shown their open disdain for his exaggerations if not outright falsehoods.
We are in a time of crisis. Institutions that have served as pillars of our society – government, corporations, the church – have shown themselves to be rife with corruption and immorality. The free press is under assault and derided as ‘the enemy of the people’ and the very idea of “truth” is questioned. If there ever was a time to stand up and speak out, this is it. If there ever was a time to reaffirm what our country is supposed to represent – a haven for the ‘tired, poor and huddled masses’ and a place ‘of liberty and justice for all’ – this is it. In just over one month’s time we’ll have our collective chance to make our voices heard. If you don’t participate, don’t complain. You’re part of the problem. Be part of the solution.
Staff Writer; Harry Sewell
Evidence Against Judge Brett Kavanaugh Partisanship Bias and Hidden Agendas Aside
If you say there is no evidence against Brett Kavanaugh, one of the following exists: Either you are not asking the right questions such as “evidence of what”. Or you have formed your opinion regardless of the evidence because you want Kavanaugh whether he did it or not. Or you have seen and heard the evidence and you have chosen to ignore it. Any and all of these have tainted your ability to evaluate Judge Kavanaugh based on the facts, not partisanship and Trump brainwashing. Especially when Trump just said at a rally that he does not even know Kavanaugh and just met him a few weeks ago..
Partisan Games On Both Sides
How late the committee got the accusations is irrelevant because both parties have played that game. The Republicans gave the Democrats thousands of documents on Kavanaugh to review only a few days before the initial hearings began. Clearly not giving the Democrats enough time to review the documents. Then the republicans flipped the narrative and complained about receiving short notice themselves.
How long Ford and the other victims waited is not relevant either. Why not? Because statistically the long wait is common. And the fact that she did not remember geographic details does not mean it did not happen nor that it did. So that is a mute point. She did remember what happen and who did it. Any other approach towards this is partisan character assassination pure and simple.
To the issue of “evidence to prove what”, we need to realize there are 3 different questions.
First, did Kavanaugh sexually assault any of the 3 victims?
The 4 people named by Ford did not say it did not happen. They said they neither remembered nor recalled it happening. That is not the same thing and their words were chosen carefully. Regarding the third alleged victim of Kavanaugh, she was interviewed briefly by the FBI but they refused to interview 20 witnesses she said who would be able to corroborate her accusation. To be fair to all parties, the FBI should have been allowed to do what they do and follow leads as they found them. Trump initially said that would happen but then changed it.
Second, did Kavanaugh lie to the senate under oath (perjury)?
It can be proven that Kavanaugh lied while under oath about his previous character and behavior. It can also be proven that Kavanaugh lied about others thing unrelated to Ford.
That is a crime, shows his character and should not be ignored. He also initially misrepresented his image as a youth as a boy scout of sorts. That was also not true at all. Don’t fall for the misdirection. It is not about beer. it is about lying under oath, the very thing that got Bill Clinton impeached. Any well trained psychologist, speech communications specialist or profiler can tell that Kavanaugh is lying.
Third, is there evidence to show Kavanaugh’s behavior was aggressive and his blackouts did happen?
That is called a “propensity” toward such behavior. And yes, from the women who made the allegations to people who drank with Kavanaugh to his roommates in college to his own yearbook and letters he wrote, to the bar fight while drunk, there is proof about the drunk behavior and character of Brett Kavanaugh while in high school and college. His roommate and one female college drinking buddy have both stated in interviews that Kavanaugh drank to the point of having blackouts, even though Kavanaugh said that was not true in the Senate hearing.
The Background Investigations
Regarding the final investigation, it was controlled by the Senate Judiciary committee which is not the norm. It can be slanted whenever any partisan white house controls the cope in the first place. And it was not comprehensive when all potential witnesses who could deny or corroborate Ford or Kavanaugh’s testimony were NOT interviewed. And the big question I how did the FBI miss all this in what everybody wants to call such an intensive background investigation? Or were they given a scope by the white house that caused the FBI to overlook this initially or look the other way?
Partisan politics aside, both sides, be fair and look at all of the facts. This is a job interview and nobody shrouded in such controversy, lies, accusations and deception would get a key job in law enforcement or corporate America. The Supreme Court lifetime appointment is even more critical and the bar should be higher. There are hidden agendas on both sides.