Parts and Functions of Turbine Flow Meters.

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( Turbine flow meters are specially engineered for high accuracy measurement of liquid and gas flow in pipes. Turbine flow meters measure the volumetric flow of clean and low viscosity fluids. The operating range of turbine flow meters in pressure is from sub-atmospheric pressure to more than 6,000psi. When it comes to temperature range, turbine flow meters can operate in temperatures ranging from -450 to around 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Parts of a turbine flow meter

The different components of a turbine flow meter are as follows:

  • Turbine housing. The housing covers the turbine rotor, bearings, and shaft. Materials used to manufacture turbine housings include stainless steel, bronze, and cast iron. In municipal water services, bronze or cast iron turbine flow meters are common. You can also find turbine flow meters made from other materials such as plastic.
  • Turbine rotor. The rotor turns as the fluid passes through the flow meter, mounted on the shaft. The fabrication material for the turbine rotor and the corresponding bearings are matched accordingly with the type of fluid and intended application. The most common material used for making rotors is stainless steel while bearings are commonly graphite. In some cases, rotors can be ceramic and tungsten carbide. Turbine flow meter rotors are designed to produce minimal friction and high resistance to wear and tear.
  • Pickup sensor. This component is responsible for detecting rotor movement. It is composed of coiled wires compactly arranged and placed near a magnet. The frequency of signal detected by the sensor determines fluid velocity and corresponds to the volumetric fluid flow rate. There are several kinds of pickup sensors used in turbine flow meters such as capacitive, reluctance, inductance, and hall-effect pickup sensors.

Turbine meters are primarily used in water utility industries because of their robustness and measurement accuracy.

Advantages of using turbine flow meters

The general characteristics of turbine flow meters include high measurement repeatability and accuracy. They are extremely resistant to high and low-pressure conditions as well as extreme temperatures. When the application calls for it, turbine flow meters are also best used in applications with very low flow rates.

Limitations of turbine flow meters

Like other flow meters, turbine flow meters also have specific restrictions. They are not suitable when the fluid is highly viscous. Turbine flow meters are only best used with clean liquids like water and clean gases. Turbine flow meters are also not effective when the fluid is swirling, or the application is prone to vibration.

General applications of turbine flow meters

Because turbine flow meters are only suitable in measuring the flow rate of clear liquids, they are often used in water industries, chemical plants, and petroleum industries. In petroleum industries, turbine flow meters are used in hydrocarbon transfer. In the water industry, distribution systems commonly use turbine flow meters for measuring flow rate within and between water districts. In the same manner, turbine flow meters are also common in the food and beverage industry.

Staff Writer; Ted Johnson

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