Oral Health Of African American Men.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Oral health is a very important consideration for any individual. With gum diseases and cavity filled teeth it can be extremely hard to eat and drink. This is going to impact your overall health. As an African American male you might be surprised to learn that it was recently reported that African American males receive poorer dental care than white Americans. This is even true if the individual has some form of insurance coverage. With such great dental technology available why is this the case?

Medicaid Insurance Coverage

When it comes to health insurance your treatment options are going to greatly rely on the type of insurance that you have. What procedures will be covered? How much of the procedure is the insurance going to cover? For most individuals, this can determine what procedures and treatments you can afford. A recent study showed that 75 percent of African American men located in Central Harlem had insurance coverage. The only problem was that fifty percent of the men had Medicaid coverage. Unfortunately, individuals with this type of coverage are constantly running into problems. Either the coverage doesn’t entirely cover the treatment that they need or they have a difficult time finding a doctor that accepts this type of insurance. Therefore their dental needs have to be put aside.

More Prone To Periodontal Disease

One of the major reasons that the oral health of African American men is more declining than another other race is because they are more prone to periodontal disease and decay. Periodontal disease or gum disease is a type of infection that attacks the tissues that hold the teeth in place. This condition is usually caused as a result of poor brushing or improper flossing habits. When proper oral health practices are not taken seriously it leads to a sticky film of bacteria that build up on the teeth and gums. Eventually the film will harden and lead to sore gums, bleeding gums, tooth loss, or pain when chewing. Ironwood Dental and other dentists can help by providing these individuals with preventative advice.

Not Properly Educated On Oral Health

It is sad to say, but when it comes to oral health most African American males are just undereducated on the importance of oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth once or twice a day just isn’t enough. You have to know how to properly brush your teeth and you also need to be educated about flossing. Due to the fact that most African American males carry insurance that won’t cover simple dental procedures they forego visits to the dentist’s office. This deprives them of crucial information and practices that a professional can provide. Without this information from very early age children will just let the health of their teeth decline and decline until it transforms into a major problem.

Changes Are On The Way

It should be noted that the issue of oral health care for African American males has recently risen as of late. African American athletes from a variety of sports are getting on board with the oral health care communities and donating the funding where it is needed. Certain foundations are ensuring that proper oral health education materials and lessons are being distributed throughout elementary and middle schools, so that students get an oral health education at an early age.

Staff Writer; Jason Shaw