Playing Paintball For The First Time.

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( Are you considering joining a paintball league or team? If so, you must be prepared for such an undertaking, because this sport requires a lot of patience, skills and endurance. There is no doubt that paintball can be fun, but if you do not understand the rules of the game, you may find yourself out of luck getting invited to join a team. So, before you approach a specific paintball team, you should learn everything possible about the sport and grow your skills. While this will not be easy and it will take several weeks or months to accomplish, it is a necessity to becoming a great player. Below, you will discover several tips to help get you started.

Invest In A Quality Paintball Gun

While paintball safety gear is key to keeping players safe, lightweight paintball guns are keys to winning. They are easy to carry and maneuver with which makes you light on your feet. There is a broad range of paintball gun brands on the market. These brands include SPYDER, Dye Proto, Tippmann and Konkor. As a beginner, you may want to start out with a more affordable paintball gun, just in case you decide that you do not like the sport. Upgrade to a more expensive brand once you determine you are in the sport to stay. Extreme Sports Land recommends these markers or paintball guns.

Know The Field

Playing paintball isn’t as easy as playing baseball or basketball. In many cases, you’re going to need to venture off of the beaten path to find a suitable playing ground. You may also need to schedule an appointment in advance. Some fields will have times when you can walk on and play right away. Otherwise, you might be required to come with a group. Make sure that you know the field and be sure to schedule in advance if necessary.

Dress Appropriately

There is no doubt that getting hit with a paintball can be a little painful. With this in mind, you need to make sure that you dress appropriately. The field in question may require you to change your wardrobe slightly. Either way, you’re going to want to make sure that your body is protected. Jeans will be a good choice for most situations. You should also wear a sweatshirt. This will help dull the sting when you finally get shot. Finally, make sure that you wear clothes that you care little about. While most paintballs will not leave a permanent stain, there is still a chance that it will. Therefore, you should wear clothes that you don’t care to throw away.

Try To Contain Your Fear

If you are hitting the paintball range for the first time, it is only natural to be scared of getting shot. You have probably seen some welts or heard plenty of horror stories about individuals getting injured on the field. While getting shot will probably sting a bit, it will probably hurt less than what you expect. Most horror stories come from individuals that got shot at an extremely close range or weren’t dressed in the proper safety attire. Don’t be one of those first-time players that waste their entire game behind a tree. This is not only boring, but you won’t get the most out of your experience. Just know that getting hit is going to sting and probably even leave a little red mark, but it is going to hurt less than what you expect. It’s almost like getting a tattoo or shot for the first time. However, if you are not quite ready to play paintball, you try the ball shooters from Gel Blaster.

Never Remove The Mask While In The Zone

The importance of a paintball mask cannot be underestimated and wearing it at all times is essential for your safety. Not only will keeping your face protected to ensure that you enjoy your first-time experience more, but it will also keep your face safe from any potential projectiles. The mask will probably be a bit uncomfortable at first and might even fog up a big if you catch yourself in a sprint or dead run, but whatever the situation is, make sure you leave the mask on at all times.

Staff Writer; Greg Carter

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