Sleep: The Unsung Equalizer for Physical and Mental Health.

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( You eat right, you stay active, and even though you’re not swole to the max you feel like you ought to have more energy throughout the day. Sound familiar? You can drown yourself in caffeine, but coffee can increase your heart rate and cause headaches. The issue could be related to your metabolism, but more than likely you’re not sleeping well.

It’s easy to tell. You can’t focus in the afternoons, your mornings are groggy and you find it difficult to leave your bed. Here are a few changes you can make to fix this problem.

Physical Health

There are two components to a good night sleep for your body: pillow and mattress. If you’ve owned your mattress for 5 years, and you aren’t sleeping well, it could be time for a change. Major holidays are a good time to look for a mattress sale, but check stores in the next city or town over as well. Local stores sometimes offer free shipping deals and you can try before you buy. A good mattress keeps your spine aligned to reduce strain on your lower back or shoulders. Combined with the right pillow, your body is cushioned but your back is like a straight line.

The pillow should support the neck at the shoulders. Some pillows have small humps built into them that cushion and cradle the neck. Meant for back sleepers primarily, these pillows can work well on their own or with others.

If your neck isn’t properly supported, you can expect migraines and tension headaches throughout the day. Even throbbing pain and tightness that can affect your posture.

Mental Health

Chronic fatigue has real consequences in our everyday life. It’s a serious danger for those who commute because it can be difficult to focus on the road, or conditions around you. It can also decrease your attention span and make you forget your thoughts mid-sentence.

Chronic fatigue is more than just feeling tired. Waking up and falling asleep often feel the same, groggy or lethargic. Some sufferers describe it like running a marathon after having finished 8 hours of sleep. Adding or subtracting naps doesn’t seem to help and your body always aches.

This constant pain can stress you out and make everyday tasks like work feel unbearable.

In short, a lack of sleep piggybacks. The worse it is, the worse it gets.

Solutions, Ideas, and Final Thoughts

There are a few steps you can take to solve the sleep problem, and a few ideas you might want to consider if these steps don’t completely work for you.

First, make your room a sleep paradise. Blackout curtains and a white noise machine are great additions. Stop falling asleep to the TV and make bedtime the “no phone zone” of your home.

Next, try a leg pillow. Sometimes, we sleep with one leg up or our posture is all mixed up as we turn. A leg pillow helps align the spine and provide comfort. You can combine a leg pillow with sleeping in the fetal position for best results.

Finally, try a mattress topper. Memory foam mattress toppers might add a bit of heat to your bed, but they provide cushioning beyond your mattress. A good combination of topper and mattress can fix sleep problems.

If you’re still not finding great sleep, try melatonin. Make sure your doctor is comfortable with you taking the supplement, but melatonin can help start a sleep schedule.

Staff Writer; Paul Payne

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