Financial Burdens That Might Make You Question Your Manhood.

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( Did you know that men are twice as likely to feel the financial burden in a relationship? In fact, 31 percent of men feel like they should be somewhat more responsible for their partner and children, whereas only 14 percent of women feel these pressures. Due to these revelations, 4,500 men end up taking their lives each year due to the financial pressure of the working world. Sure, you are supposed to earn more than your wife, but this doesn’t mean that this is always the reality of the situation. This is why it is imperative to understand the financial burdens that can plague you as a man and know how to combat them.

Purchasing An Engagement Ring

Has your girlfriend been dropping hint after hint that she wants you to pop the question? Maybe you are ready to pop the question, but you just can’t afford the ring. While most studies say that an engagement ring should be worth two months of your salary, this doesn’t always have to be the case. Perhaps, you just can’t afford to miss two months of your salary, so how do you go about counteracting this situation?

First off, you could invest in a modest, inexpensively price that is completely within your budget. While proposing to explain to her that this is only a starter ring, and you plan on buying her a more expensive one when you are in a better place.

Secondly, you have the option of saving. Figure out what type of ring she wants and exactly how long it will take you to save for that ring. Just keep in mind that one or two years could seem like an eternity to most women, so you might want to set a realistic budget.

Declined Credit 

How many times have you took an important client to dinner and instead on footing the bill, only to discover that your credit was declined? This is not only extremely embarrassing, but it could potentially hurt your relationship with this big fish.

To avoid situations like this make sure that you are studying up on websites like to avoid these situations and to learn more about how to get bad credit removed from your record.

It is true that collection and credit problems can make you feel like embarrassed and like a less of a man, but most of the time your best option is to speak with your spouse about these situations. Both of you might be able to come up with a payment plan that can pull you out of your current debt.

She Makes More Than You

Many men feel completely inadequate when their wife is able to contribute more to the household than them. It is only natural for a man to feel this way, but this really doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

To get over this you really need to sit down and consider the realities of the situation. Maybe your wife attended more years of college or maybe she has more seniority at her job than you do. Whatever the situation is, there are truly tons of different ways that you can justify her higher earnings.

Staff Writer; Richard Lee

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