This Huawei Smartwatch Patent Shows Two Revolutionary Gesture Input Methods.

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( The next series of Huawei smartwatch might revolutionize the way we use wearables. With new gesture input methods, you would be able to control your smartwatch without touching its small display. From Apple Watch to Fitbit and Huawei’s own smartwatch product range, what disappoints users the most is they have to manage things on a small touch-sensitive screen. Some manufacturers like Samsung have tried to make some improvements with a rotating bezel, but it is not perfect. Finally, we have a better solution and it is coming from Huawei.

One of the leading Chinese companies Huawei filed a patent at WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). The patent details suggest that the company is working on a smartwatch solution through which users won’t have to give inputs by touching their smartwatch’s display. There will be two new ways to give input to the watch. The first one is through using the back of your hand as a display and the second one is by using the same features in the air.

With the help of ultrasonic or infrared sensors, what appears on your smartwatch screen can be projected directly on your hand. In simple terms, it is like projecting your watch’s display on your hand and everything can be controlled with gentle touch gestures. Huawei is also working on solutions to enable long press, double-click and some other gestures in which your fingers can be involved. It is exactly like how we use touch-screen phones and smartwatches.

The patent has been approved and Huawei now holds the rights to use these new gesture input methods on its devices. The images shared by Huawei suggest that the watch will be able to accept gesture inputs given in all the four directions, on the hand, and in the air. The sensors present in the smartwatch will take input for clicks, swiping and even writing.

This unique gesture support is important and it’s a smart idea because most of the people find it difficult to operate smartwatches due to small screen size. Huawei, with this new technology, is trying to revolutionize in this area. Writing on the back of your hand or in the air to provide input to your smartwatch will be a lot easier than typing on a small screen. The new series of Huawei smartwatches will be improved enough that the watches will easily recognize your writing patterns and sensors will detect when you start and stop writing.

It would be interesting to see how Huawei smartwatches will detect writing in the air. The sensors will have to consider a lot of variables including speed, duration, sensitivity, motion direction, and multitouch support. The road for this technology will not be easy because almost every smartwatch has its dedicated app today and people tend to treat these smartwatches more as a fitness tracker. It can be challenging for Huawei to grow with this new technology, but since it is one of the most awaited features, we hope to see the new product line to come out strong.

This technology is not entirely new and we expect that Huawei will introduce a new smartwatch series with such features anytime soon. The company has not confirmed these features for its smartwatch, but as the patent was approved in 2016, it is safe to assume that the company has been working on the technology for quite some time. In the past, Huawei introduced several smartwatches and fitness trackers. Huawei Smartwatch 2, Fit, Band 2 and Huawei Watch are successful products from the company.

Huawei is exploring this unique technology and we can’t say that the company’s next-generation smartwatches will feature this technology. But the possibility of controlling a smartwatch without having to touch its display has left fans amazed and everyone is just waiting for official announcement. Last year, the company unveiled Watch 2 that runs on Android Wear 2. For the new series, we expect the company to take up the same Android route and there are fewer chances of the company bringing its own operating system just like how Samsung and some other manufacturers did in the past.

Staff Writer; Corey Shaw

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