(ThyBlackMan.com) I want to get right into this and not waste words so let’s go. First of all, my prayers and condolences to the family of Stephon Clark. I encourage them not to let these police officers nor the Sacramento Police Department get away with his. Hard evidence of guilty cops is often not covered up as well as they think it is. But whatever you do, do it legally and lawfully. Second of all, if any person reading this article can reach Stephon Clark’s family, please get this article to them. Thirdly, as a former detective who graduated at the top of my class, a father, a man of color and a current legal analyst, every aspect of the shooting makes me sick.
I was trained in crime scene analysis, threat assessment, ballistics, forensics and then some. I am familiar with general training, firearms training and standard operating protocols taught to police officers across this country – and many officers are simply not trained that well. So as you read this article, I challenge any police officer, detective, command staff supervisor or crime scene investigator to refute what I am about to say by providing hard evidence or facts to the contrary. That being said, let’s go deeper.
Think PROACTIVE and PREVENTIVE before it happens to you or someone you love.Stephon Clark Homicide:
I know the police received a report of someone breaking into cars. I know the young man ran. I know he likely lifted up his cell phone in his hands. I know he panicked. I know the police officers misused deadly force (8 shots most in his back). I know the officers still could not shoot that well because only 8 out of 20 shots impacted their target. Did they even identify themselves? Did they mute the body cams? And the fact that at least one officer was of color does not make things any better. Why not? Because many officers put on blue and completely forget who they are anyway.
Email me at atlantacrimecommission@yahoo.com to request the free E-book on HOW TO END POLICE BRUTALITY!
In my opinion, the cover up has already begun. I have viewed the released bodycam footage from the officers. I have seen the posted results from the private autopsy report. I have heard of the statements the officers made. And what I have seen points to officers who shot and killed Stephon Clark without cause – a bad shoot, a very bad shoot. While there is more evidence that must been seen, disclosed and objectively analyzed, I do not see any such evidence changing my opinion nor the overall and final conclusion.
What lawful steps can be done towards the officers? They should be fired. They should be prosecuted. Their Peace Officer state certifications should be pulled. They should be sued in civil court for wrongful death. The family and the community should strongly but peacefully and lawfully pressure the office of the District Attorney to prosecute these officers. The family of Stephen Clark should petition the Justice Department to get involved. Protests, rallies, vigils, marches, social media posts and maybe even boycotts should be used by the local community.
How should the police officers who shot and killed Stephon Clark be investigated? First of all they should be investigated by a law enforcement or investigative agency outside of their own department as well as their department. The family attorney and those assisting the family should look into the officer’s performance records, training records, cases of violence, complaints (esp excessive force) and if the officers worked for other departments before being hired by the Sacramento Police Department.
Visit www.killedbypolice.net or www.policemisconduct.net
Look for violations of departmental procedure or protocols, reprimands, demotions, legal infractions and sudden transfers. Some officers, such as the Sheriff over the jail in the Sandra Bland case, have often left other departments or even been fired under clouds of controversy and complaints. They go to another department and simply start over.
The family attorney needs to find out if the officers have ever had psychological evaluations any time during their career and what the results were. The officers should be ordered or compelled to take polygraphs. And even though polygraphs are not admissible in court, they do serve other purposes.
Email me at atlantacrimecommission@yahoo.com to request the free E-book on HOW TO END POLICE BRUTALITY!
I have said it article after article, seminar after seminar, email after email, march after march, rally after rally, conference call after conference call. I have said it to leaders and lead groups in the African American community – religious, civic and political. Police brutality must stop. But what have I run into? A lack of support to end police brutality until another African American male is killed by police and here we are again. WAKE UP PEOPLE. Think proactive and preventive before it happens to you or someone you love. We are being strategically exterminated and yet standing by while African American lives lose value. We can and must stop this before the “Make America Great Again” slogan returns back to the days before the Civil Rights Movement.
Staff Writer; Trevo Craw
James Davis are you kidding? He is right on point. Where or what is your expertise? Money does not “resolve” a murder, abuse of deadly force, violation of oath of office or betrayal by those who forget why they were hired. James are you really that ignorant? You are embarassing yourself.
Your cliche about stopping the reinvention of the wheel is just as foolish. If the wheel had not continually been reinvented we would never have all terrain vehicles, motorcycles, tractor trailer trucks, tires that can roll while punctured, modern landing gear etc. You are not too bright James so rethink your points before you comment. There is always room for improvement in anything and sometimes the model itself is so flawed that we have to scrap it and start over.
Mr. Craw:
Love your passion! However, I think you are putting your emphasis when it comes to resolving this issue in the wrong places. Police shootings are resolvable and money is available to resolve this uniquely racially motivated crime. It’s time to bring stakeholders together and sit them down around a table.
Stop reinventing the wheel! NFL owners have allocated $100 million to stop NFL players from kneeling during the anthem, when it comes to this issue. We, as blacks should be putting pressure on the NFL Players Union to spend part of this money on resolving this issue by BRINGING stakeholders together and sitting them around a table. They have got the money to do it and we as African Americans through tweets, e-mails and Facebook postings have the power to shame them into doing the right thing. SEE https://thyblackman.com/2017/10/21/the-anthem-a-great-opportunity-for-the-nfl-and-players/