The Colonial Education System’s Selling Of 4 Schools In Predominant African Areas In Montgomery, Alabama – A Politically Motivated Attack Against The African Community.

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( Recently, the colonial state once again showed why educating African children has never been their top priority when it closed down 4 schools (3 elementary and 1 middle school) all In predominant African communities of the city of Montgomery, Alabama.

The Montgomery Public School Board is historically anti-black and it has greatly shown in their failure to provide our children with an adequate education because they are part of the colonial state that’s designed to maintain not only the status quo oppression of our children, but they always go out of their way to use the “desegregation” money to fund only predominant white schools in predominant white areas of the city like the new LAMP Academic Magnet Program which is blatantly discriminatory because most African students are excluded from the special programs on that campus because of discriminatory policies and guidelines.

Also, in the colonial education system, our kids are viciously harrassed and assaulted on a daily basis by white nationalist administrators and teachers and especially the police that militarily occupy the schools in predominant African neighborhoods not only here in Montgomery, but across the country.

According To Local Colonial Media Outlet Called “The Montgomery Advertiser” – To create needed funding for a Montgomery County school system bleeding students and dollars, interim State Superintendent Ed Richardson has ordered the termination of 17 central office positions, the sale of unused property or previously closed schools and the closure of four MPS schools.

“The closings of Floyd Elementary, Chisholm Elementary, Dozier Elementary and Georgia Washington Middle School next school year are estimated to save MPS $1.4 million annually in salaries, utilities, insurance and maintenance.”

When I look more critically at the sentences that The Advertiser wrote, closing 4 schools in predominant African neighborhoods in Montgomery wasn’t really about “saving money” as they claim because the contradiction is that they have the money, but they deliberately underfund schools in predominant African neighborhoods and only fund schools in predominant white neighborhoods because they see predominant white schools as “beacons of excellence” and see predominant African schools as the so-called “failure factories”.

Our children are NOT the failure, The entire colonial education system is The Ultimate Failure Factory!!!

If anything, these recent 4 school closings in predominant African neighborhoods is also part of a much bigger scheme and it’s called gentrification because it allows for these big developers and predatory gentrifying schemers to come in and gentrify those areas out of existence. This past decade in Chicago, Illinois, more than 50 schools in predominant African neighborhoods were deliberately closed down to mainly facilitate the ongoing gentrification that’s severely reduced the African population by 11% over the past decade.

Georgia Washington was an African woman who founded Georgia Washington Middle School in 1893 during the repressive Jim Crow era in the south to educate African children and she’s currently buried underneath the school and for this corrupt and rotten Montgomery Public School Board to sell the school to the highest bidder aka big developers is not only an insult to Georgia’s legacy, but it’s also a spit in the face of all the much older brothers and sisters who used to attend the middle school when they were former students.

The Conclusion – We must take control of our most valuable resource that we greatly cherish and give them the adequate education that they need and I also support the demand for Black Community Control Of Schools where we create our own curriculum that’s relevant to black students, but to also boost their morale and self-esteem by hiring more black teachers for predominant black classrooms.

Staff Writer; Kwame Shakir (aka Joe D.)


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