Donald Trump Speaks On Africa; Some African-Americans Agree With Him.

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( In many ways, the damage that Donald Trump and his roving band of liars have done to the office of the U.S. Presidency is not worth even a slight discussion. If Trump is nothing else, he is certainly a pillar of consistency. Without fail, Trump has proven that he;

  • Lacks social graces.
  • Has no sense of decorum.
  • Is historically illiterate.
  • Is untrustworthy in every area of life.

As if he needed to add to his well-stocked arsenal of intellectualfeebleness, Trump has shocked the world by adding yet another polarizing, yet highly revealing, statement where he has termed Haiti and several African nations as “shit holes” that the world would be better without. Undoubtedly, Trump’s reckless commentary has achieved what most thought was impossible, that being, taking the Office of the U.S. President to a new low.

The national furor surrounding Trump’s deplorable commentary has shielded the African-American community from a much-needed discussion regarding African-Americans and their view of Africa; a location that many blacks inexplicably continue to deny is their ancestral homeland. Although it may be politically incorrect to assert the following, I have always been determined to speak the truth at every turn. Prior discussions with blacks have left me with no doubt that the spirit of Trump’s biting comments aimed at both continental Africans and others strewn throughout the diaspora is unfortunately supported by a wide-swath of Black America.

Although many feign ignorance at the assertion that a sizable portion of our community do their absolute best to distance themselves from any connection to Africa, the truth of the matter is that such a position is far from a well-kept secret among black folk. In fact, it is relatively easy to find African-Americans who loathe their ancestral homeland. One only needs to bring up the topic at any place where African-Americans congregate and within moments a relatively harsh denunciation of Africa appears from the descendants of Africa. I have personally heard black folk state the following regarding Africa.

  • “Man, I ain’t leave nothing in Africa.”
  • “Stop calling me an African-American, I ain’t never been to Africa.”
  • “Man, they still living in huts and shit over there. What I need to go over there to see that for?”
  • “I’m black!!!! I know nothing about Africa or no damn Africans.”
  • “You do know that they don’t like us over there. Look at how those Africans that came over here think that they are better than us.”

Such commentary from a segment of Black America betrays the public outcry regarding Trump’s maligning of Africa and her descendants. It appears that many of those who have somehow managed to psychologically position themselves in an awkward posture that allows them to simultaneously oppose Trump while also retaining their negative and wholly uninformed view of Africa fail to see the obvious contradictions associated with their position.

I am absolutely certain that noted historian and scholar John Henrik Clarke is rolling over in his grave at the hypocrisy of those who have no desire to learn anything about their ancestral homeland and their uproarious denunciation of Trump for articulating their private thoughts and feelings regarding Africa. There is no possible way that Clarke’s spirit can be at rest as his people have yet to accept his most important teaching of “Until Africa is free, you will never be free.” Sadly, if the liberation of Africa from worldwide domination and exploitation is a pre-requisite to African-American freedom, we are going to be in this position indefinitely; because as you well know, most black folk “don’t want nothing to do with Africa.”

Staff Writer; Dr. James Thomas Jones III

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