Black People; Entertainment & Politics Don’t Mix.

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( Just in case it has escaped the reader’s notice, most black people in America have developed some really bad attitudes when it comes to race and politics. This would certainly be considered a racist statement if a white person uttered it, but this wouldn’t make it any less true. Black Americans still vote for Democrats in the 90-percents, and most of this can be attributed to their being wholly inured to liberal-progressive orthodoxy, as well as the targeted propaganda that pervades the black community, from the most squalid urban neighborhoods to our country’s most exclusive enclaves.

There are a great many generalizations those on the political left and the right make about each other, and unfortunately, generalizations are frequently at the heart of bigotry. In the case of black Americans, however, many of the existing generalizations – as well as a few I make here – certainly do apply.

For example: The conventional wisdom to which most black Americans subscribe includes such concepts as the universal racism of all white members of law enforcement and the criminal justice system, as well as most other institutions, come to think of it. Blacks in the workplace don’t advance in sufficient numbers because their bosses are bigots, black children in school fail because the curricula is designed to bring about this result, and so on.

Some of the more outlandish precepts include a genetic predisposition on the part of whites toward the oppression of other ethnic groups, such as is taught in the Nation of Islam. Since blacks are taught precious little about history (save for their having been victims of slavery and segregation), they remain blissfully aware that historically, whites have a long way to go in order to catch up to nonwhites in terms of having enslaved and oppressed other ethnic groups.

All of the above tends to facilitate, and on some occasions necessitate, summary charges of racism wherever and whenever a black individual or group thereof experience any untoward or uncomfortable situation.

The most fundamental and all-encompassing fallacy to which black Americans subscribe, of course, is that which holds that any inequity blacks suffer is due to the abstract of white racism, as opposed to blacks’ ongoing allegiance to the political left.

Among the fallacies to which this belief gives rise is that the integrity of their fellow blacks is inviolable: Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and their ilk are totally righteous dudes, if for no other reason than no black person would ever place personal aggrandizement ahead of allegiance to other blacks. The same goes for the innumerable black politicians, activists and assorted politicos who over the years have done just that, consigning blacks in America to collective delusion and ignorance at best, economic disenfranchisement and personal desolation at worst.

Regardless of what your own ethnic makeup happens to be, if you meet a black person in a casual setting – at a store, in the workplace, at the doctor’s office – and a conversation ensues, you can pretty much count on it taking a certain direction if the topic winds up running to sociopolitical or cultural issues: The Trump administration is a dangerous proposition all around, Trump being a white nationalist and all. This despite the fact that blacks are likely to benefit more from President Trump’s economic and border policies than any other ethnic minority. Your new friend will probably express a sense of pining for the Obama days, despite the fact that every indicator evidences blacks suffering far worse under Obama than any president since the Civil Rights Movement.

Your friend will have accepted as holy writ that Trayvon Martin was ambushed and murdered by a white cop rather than killed in self-defense by a Latino Neighborhood Watch captain, and that Michael Brown was gunned down by white police officer Darren Wilson as he stood with his hands raised, begging not to be shot.

Of course, your black friend has no empirical evidence for any of this; he or she is basing their beliefs on the testimony of the ignoramus who imparted it to them, an agenda-driven politico, or someone reading off of a teleprompter on the BET network. Sadly, should you reveal yourself to be at odds with liberal racial orthodoxy during your discourse, you are likely to be called out as a racist (or an Uncle Tom, if you’re also black) by this person.

How is all of this relevant in the age of Donald Trump, in which the foul machinations of the left are being exposed as never before, the Beltway swamp is being drained (albeit somewhat slowly), the illusion of the two-party system is being ablated, and seasoned progressive politicians are bailing from public life in droves?

Well, barring some unforeseen (and in my estimation, unfathomable) method by which President Trump manages to ingratiate himself to blacks in a major way, this means that blacks as a voting bloc will remain opposed to Trump and anyone else who lines up against the far left agenda. Even worse, they will remain at risk for succumbing to the black cult of personality, as they did with Obama – which naturally brings to mind the current ruckus over the specter of Oprah Winfrey running for president on the Democratic ticket in 2020 after she blathered some boilerplate racialist claptrap at the Golden Globes.

Before you break out in uproarious laughter over the prospect, bear in mind that this was precisely the response of most liberal talking heads when Donald Trump announced his candidacy.

Written by Erik Rush

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