(ThyBlackMan.com) Trump’s stance on global warming may not be all that encouraging, but rest assured that America is still doing its bit in regards to fighting it and cleaning our earth’s environment. To see just how America is doing this and what it is doing to do it, make sure to read on.
America is ensuing on a double-edged challenge
Yes, America is firing on not only one front, but two. It is ensuing on the double-edged challenge that is the venture of ceasing to emit dangerous carbon into the air whilst re-powering the world with renewable energy at the same time. It is undertaking its first task, the stopping of dangerous carbon emissions being allowed to emit into the air by seeking solutions to air pollution that are clean, specially treated and both SO2 and NOx free. It is undertaking its second task, the re-powering of the world’s environment by turning to renewable forms of energy, such as solar and wind.
What all of this means is that the old, dangerous ways in which America lived are now not only being ousted by they are being replaced by far healthier and far more environmentally friendly alternatives.
America is opting for the Clean Power Plan
In 2014, ex-president Barack Obama set off on a task known as the Clean Power Plan. This plan, dubbed as being ‘the strongest action taken by a president in regards to tackling the issue of climate change’ by The New York Times, involves limiting the carbon emissions and pollution emitted by America’s biggest ever source of pollution, its 500+ coal-fired power plants. This plan’s remit is to cut the pollution given off by these power plants by a whopping 30 percent within a decade (by 2024) as well as to speed up the transition to efficient and sustainable sources of energy, such as solar and wind, that power plants simply must make.
Kudos, Obama.
Americans are backing the cause
Trump may not be the biggest believer in global warming (instead preferring to ridicule it), but the people that he governs seemingly are. Yes, it has recently been revealed that 2/3 of Americans believe global warming to be a threat and actively back the idea that change is needed. And, when you have over 8 million strong in support of the idea that a country needs to go green, you can’t see anything for the future but a green America.
So, as you can see, America is doing its bit in the fight against global warming and environmental poisoning, no matter what its current president or the media may lead you to believe. And, hopefully, many other countries and their leaders will soon follow suit and give our earth’s environment the precedence it needs and deserves the next time debates about worldly affairs arise.
Staff Writer; Steve Brown
With global warming, it’s possible that global warming would still be happening naturally. I compare global warming to the tobacco & emphysema. Some people get emphysema because they have bad genes and some people get emphysema because they smoke tobacco. Then there are people who use tobacco their whole life, but do not die of any tobacco disease because they have good genes. But it’s better to not use tobacco. Not all smokers get emphysema, but if you smoke, you raise your risks of emphysema.
Global warming discussions on pollution must be thought of the same way as tobacco. It’s better to not have pollution, incl. greenhouse gas pollution. It’s possible that even w/o greenhouse gas pollution, that global warming would still happen, because earth’s temperatures would change. But cleaning pollution is a good idea. I think greenhouse gas pollution adds to global warming, but it’s possible that global warming would still happen regardless.
To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, I support nuclear/atomic energy & I also support geothermal, hydroelectric dams. We should go with the Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors and also we should use Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMR). http://environmentalprogress.org/ is a good environmental organization which supports atomic/nuclear energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. American Lung Association supports nuclear/atomic energy and it was President Dwight David Eisenhower who had the atoms for peace idea. The 3 energy sources which reduce greenhouse emissions and benefit the environment are nuclear/atomic energy, hydroelectric dams and geothermal.
I support nuclear/atomic energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We must use Small Modular nuclear reactors (SMR) and we must use Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor. I also support hydroelectric dams and geothermal. American Lung Association supports nuclear/atomic energy since that gives cleaner air and benefits asthmatics. Professor Steven Arthur Pinker supports atomic/nuclear energy. There are wildlife experts who support nuclear/atomic energy.
Windmills and solar panels, are not green. They need more land, use more materials, generate less energy-both the wind and sun are intermittent. Windmills have killed endangered birds and bats. People who live near windmills have higher incidence of hearing loss, migraines, nausea, etc. Solar panels have dangerous chemicals some of which are carcinogenic. They have also found that solar panels in California have harmed the endangered Mohave desert tortois see http://environmentalprogress.org/big-news/2017/6/21/are-we-headed-for-a-solar-waste-crisis & http://environmentalprogress.org/big-news/2017/6/27/new-study-finds-solar-households-produce-30-to-60-more-electronic-waste-than-non-solar-households