(ThyBlackMan.com) NBC’s Chuck Todd started his “Meet the Press” interview with Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price with an important question. Shouldn’t we accept, Todd suggested, that it’s “not Obamacare anymore, it’s our national health-care system. … (Do) you accept that the attempts to repeal the Affordable Care ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I know the title of this missive has already upset the President Trump loyalists out there, but one has to be honest. Yes, President Trump has never been in elected political office. Yes, President Trump is a political outsider coming from the private sector, business world. However, the steepest ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) As if any true conservative needed more evidence, the Republican Party’s refusal to repeal Obamacare proves the party is comprised of liars, leftists and betrayers of the voters who elected them. And even more condemnable, they no longer care that we know it. But I get ahead of myself. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) It can be hard enough these days to earn a living. Between the rising cost of a college education, the state of the economy making jobs scarce, and wages not going as far as they once did, finding a job is no guarantee, and it may not be enough to ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Forget all the little teases about this NFL team or that team signing Colin Kaepernick before the start of the season. Forget all the supposed informed talk about some team somewhere signing Kap out of desperation or because they’ve run out of Arena league QBs to go to. And most ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Fact: there are transgendered people who live in a constant state of physical and sexual terror. In the last few years there’s been an increase in gang rapes, sexualized torture, and murders of transgendered women and men. Paradoxically, all of this violence is happening at a time when more and ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Approximately 13 million television viewers watched as a Nevada board approved parole for O.J. Simpson over one week ago. Those viewers were fascinated by Simpson as one of the more compelling and controversial public figures of the past quarter century. The highly acclaimed ESPN documentary, “O.J.: Made In America”, which ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Many women’s organizations commemorate Equal Pay Day, which this year was April 5. It meant that women, in general, would have had to work all of 2016, and until April 5, 2017, to earn the same amount of money that a White man earned in 2016. Few will recognize July ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) We hear a great deal of discussion about the percentage of money Blacks spend with Black businesses versus how much we spend with White businesses—and others as well. It is said that 90%+ of Black dollars are spent at non-Black businesses. Obviously, that leaves about 10% for our businesses. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) This negative myth that we have a $1.3 trillion dollar “buying power” is a white capitalistic lie that whites use to blame our community’s spending habits for the reason why we are poor. First and foremost, there’s a major difference between “buying power” and wealth. The term “buying power” is ...
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