(ThyBlackMan.com) Three decades ago, as communications director in the White House, I set up an interview for Bill Rusher of National Review. Among his first questions to President Reagan was to ask him to assess the political importance of Barry Goldwater. Said Reagan, “I guess you could call him the John ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The NFL will never give up the national anthem salute. The NFL owners in one form or another will make it official when they meet to hammer out a policy on what players must do when the national anthem is played. Let’s be clear, the NFL’s Siamese Twin tie to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Ever wondered which racial or ethnic demographic attends American traffic schools the most? This question is especially relevant in California, New York, Florida and other places with extremely diverse populations. People hailing from cultures across the world live together in these areas, sharing the roads on daily bases. Busy roads ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) On Oct. 3, we honored the civil rights icon and voting rights activist, Fannie Lou Hamer. Born on October 3, 1917, Hamer is fondly remembered and admired for her activism during the Civil Rights Movement while speaking out against the injustices that African Americans faced in Mississippi and across the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Almost immediately after the Las Vegas shooting came the calls for “common sense” gun control. The quest almost always begins with a reassurance that “no one wants to take away your guns.” Not everyone read the memo. Nelson Shields, founder of Handgun Control, Inc., the organization that became the Brady ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) My biggest frustration is seeing conservative/Christian family members and friends overtaken by liberalism. I think it happens when they’re alone in the dark sleeping. Liberalism takes over their body like in that movie, “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” One morning they awake saying, “The second amendment is outdated. Jesus approves ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Are you in need of a loan to bridge the gap between your income and expenses? Most of us see the gap increasing day by day, so much so that the personal debt ceiling keeps getting higher and higher. While there are plenty of loans in the market, the most ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Monday morning America would wake to find that while some of us were sleeping a mass shooting took place in Las Vegas claiming the lives of at least 59 people while more than 500 more were injured. Stephan Paddock would open fire on concert goers at a country music festival ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The predictable began the instant Stephen Paddock mass murdered 59 persons and wounded hundreds more. That is the almost by now ritual handwringing, soul search, and pop psychology rationalizations to explain the behavior of white mass murderers. There is the round the clock, non-stop coverage of investigators effort to find ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) A large percentage of young adults start out their early adult years carrying a hefty burden called student loan debt. By the time they graduate college and start their careers they need a portion of each paycheck to pay for their schooling. That’s just the beginning. Many also have a car loan ...