Cleveland Browns Josh Gordon: Being open about substance abuse addiction.

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( Billions and billions of American dollars are spent to battle substance abuse that overcomes so many people in America. The World Health Organization defines substance abuse as “the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs”. Substance abuse has become such a big problem that the government-mandated “War On Drugs” as turned into a “War On Opiates” because of the deaths of many Americans due to the abuse of prescription drugs.

Many other Americans battle alcohol addiction or other drug addiction that threatens to derail their professional careers or personal lives. Professional athletes are not different from the general population in that some are challenged to fight substance abuse. This has become very clear in the career of current Cleveland Browns wide receiver Josh Gordon.

Josh Gordon is a talented 26 year old wide receiver for the Cleveland Browns. An interesting combination of size and speed, Gordon had an extremely productive 2013 season for the Browns while producing 1,646 receiving yards and nine touchdowns. Since that 2013 season, Gordon has played only five games out of a possible 56 games for the Browns. His problems have been his consistent issues with failing the NFL’s drug policy. Gordon had been suspended for violating the league’s substance abuse policy for the past two seasons before rejoining the Browns earlier this month. There are signs that Josh Gordon has turned both his life and career around because of his honesty about his substance abuse.

In a recent interview with GQ magazine, Gordon admitted to “do my little ritual, whatever it may be, some weed, some alcohol and then go to the game”. Part of his pregame preparations wasn’t just eating a small, healthy meal or stretching his muscles, it was to arrive at the football stadium after taking in “weed” or alcohol. For professional athletes, their bodies are truly their temples and affords them the ability to earn multi-million dollar contracts so Josh Gordon’s revelation is a bit eye-opening. It is notable that Gordon also admitted that he started taking drugs in seventh grade, continued through college and even did something before every game he played in that very productive 2013 season.

In the world of substance abuse and addiction treatment, numerous studies have been instrumental in better understanding the nature of substance abuse and how it impacts the brain and the body as well as the treatments that can have a positive impact on health and healing among addicts in recovery. A significant part of recovery from substance abuse is honesty. Those who are addicted to alcohol or illegal substances manipulate people and situations through lying and deception so honesty is what leads people into recovery, and it is honesty that keeps them there.

Josh Gordon’s admissions display that he is on the road to recovery. He admits to being “clean and sober” and has set his goals sky high as he wants to be the best wide receiver ever. The first game he can play is December 3 in Los Angeles against the Chargers. Hopefully, Gordon like many other substance abuse addicts can turn their lives around for the positive.

Staff Writer; Mark Hines