Melania Trump Is Not My First Lady.

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( I understand how the political system works. Trump is in the White House, so that makes Melania Trump First Lady of this country. With that understanding, I admit it felt as if she looked down at the masses for quite some time from her aerie in Trump Tower. American tax payer ought to be relieved she finally decided to re-locate to the White House, but what is she passionate about? She is unsuitable for the title she holds, and she is most certainly out of place. Granted, the same can be said for her husband. However, I would have hoped by now she would have tried to carve her own legacy aside from him incompetency.

No one is asking Melania Trump to hold a press conference to speak out against the abhorrent behavior of her husband. That is not only unwise, but we don’t have to live with the man so the consequences of such an act is on we won’t have to live with. With this understanding we must still wonder what is the agenda, or cause, that the Melania Trump will make her own? She may not be able to speak directly against Trump, but she could take up causes that separate her from him.

Why has she not championed areas of Women’s Rights? Why has she not yet, openly championed causes for children? Will she advocate for Military Families? Will she staff her office? Will we see her truly interact with the people of the Unites States? There is so much I can say about her, definitely in comparison to Former First Lady Michelle Obama, that would speak to why she is unfit for be American’s First Lady. Yet, the biggest thing that looms in my mind is her inability to reach the people of this country.

There is not much Melania Trump has done that speaks to, or connects with, the people she represents. It’s understandable that she is in a role she probably never wanted, and we didn’t want it for her, but she is here. Honestly, I don’t feel sorry for her nor her family. The previous first family raised children in the White House, and had to deal with extremely ugly challenges. In the face of all opposition, they rose above adversity and represented this country. They were seen among the people of this country, and spoke into our hearts in times of devastation. No exceptions will be made for the Trump family.

Melania Trump doesn’t represent me. Not so much because she is a white woman, but because she doesn’t seem to care about the power to affect change that she can wield. I acknowledge she may care very much, but perception is everything. She has yet to show the strength to own the situation she is in, and chart a path that will distinguish her as a Lady of the People of this country.

Maybe, something will change as she is just starting out. Currently, Ivanka Trump has much control of the East Wing. Melania Trump must take some sort of stand as Ivanka Trump is not “First Lady”. Though there is a part of me that wants to see her stand on her own, and take up causes that are admirable…my mind tells me her inactivity defends the behavior of her spouse. Her privilege is tied to him…so why should she jeopardize she comfort for the greater good? No, she’s not my First Lady at all.

Staff Writer; Chelle’ St James

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