(ThyBlackMan.com) Saturday night working in my wood shop, I heard a reporter on the radio say, “Donald Trump has found someone else to pick a fight with, the NFL.” Clearly, the reporter wanted listeners to believe Trump was the bad guy. And yet, fake news media swears their reporting is not biased.
Leftists are outraged because Donald Trump said, “The NFL should fire or suspend players who kneel during our national anthem.” I totally agree with our president. I suspect a majority of Americans also agree. Strictly from a common sense business point of view, shouldn’t team owners stop their players from doing things that turn off football fans? America and football fans have been extremely good to these spoiled brat wealthy players. Pro athletes live lives far above most Americans in terms of finances, power and influence. Fans do not deserve pro athletes slapping us in the face.
My immediate response to Trump’s recommendation to the NFL was, “Amen brother! Thank God for Donald Trump!”Folks, I am so sick of wimpy politicians. More and more our country is turning into a bizarro-world in which politicians are terrified of offending Leftists, scrambling to meet their absurd demands. Trump is a straight-talkin’ real man with backbone; a long awaited breath of fresh air in the international political arena.
On Sunday, seeing NFL coaches and players in locked arms, protesting Donald Trump for criticizing players who dis our flag was devastating to me as a football fan. We tune in to watch football, not to see players giving our nation their middle finger. By NFL owners, coaches and players saying screw you Trump, I feel like the NFL is saying screw you America and fans.
I caught the NFL’s shameful protest on the Steelers/Bears half time show. I tried to continue watching the game, but my conscience would not allow me to do so. Too many men have suffered and died for our flag to remain flying high. I cannot watch a football league that is supportive of players disrespecting our flag, our country and their fans.
Adding insult to injury, the NFL partnered with fake news media in accusing Trump of being divisive for standing up for our country. See how Leftists operate? They attack our principles, values and traditions. When we push-back defending ourselves, Leftists call us haters and the aggressors.
The politicization of a once Sunday pastime is a prime example of what happens when you allow Leftists aggression to go unchecked. Don’t give them an inch. Kaepernick taking a knee during our anthem should have been nipped in the bud, not tolerated. Outrageously, Kaepernick’s disrespect for America has spread like a virus via causal contact throughout the entire NFL and beyond.
Leftists are never satisfied. White America has bent over backwards making special concessions for blacks; affirmative action, racial quotas and so on. Blacks are only 12% of the population. It took the votes of millions of white Americans to elect a non-deserving black president for two terms. Have you noticed that every new law, lowered standard or new entitlement is never enough? If I were white, I would say, “For crying out loud, what do I have to do to make Leftists and blacks stop branding me a racist? What else must whites do to make Kaepernick and his fellow black millionaire football players happy?”
Have you ever heard the NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus or Black Lives Matter say anything good about white America? No. These racial hate profiteers relentlessly promote their evil bogus narrative that America is still a hellhole of extreme racism against blacks. Their lie is destroying the NFL.
A relative said though Kaepernick has never suffered racism, he is a hero for standing up for other blacks. I challenge Kaepernick and all his Leftists supporters to tell me where in America are blacks suffering massive racism. Folks, there is no such place. Blacks are not routinely murdered by police. Blacks are routinely murdering each other in record numbers. http://fxn.ws/2iVMOhJ This is what wealthy high profile black players should be protesting, off the football field.
Like it or not, NFL players are role models. Emulating the pros, 8 year old football players are taking a knee during our National Anthem. http://bit.ly/2wSa3k3 Folks, that is a disgrace.
I lost something Sunday. Pro football was something a few liberal black relatives and I enjoyed without getting into our political differences. We would text each other during games about scores, great plays, bad calls and so on. That pleasure has ended.
I am pretty much done with NFL football this season. Thank you president Donald Trump for once again confronting Leftists, standing up for us. You the man!
Staff Writer; Lloyd Marcus
Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Sir, although I do not and never will agree with your thoughts and opinions, I will defend your RIGHT to express them in a manner you feel appropriate, BUT I WILL not defend your right to OPPRESS another’s RIGHT to express their thoughts and opinions in a manner they feel appropriate. The REASON: I am a Veteran, a Disabled Veteran who served this country with honour to uphold the Constitution and ALL its Amendments, not some of them, BUT ALL OF THEM. As a Veteran, I am not offended by the NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem … They didn’t do this until 2009 when DoD began paying the NFL owners to promote the military to boost enlistment. Think back to the years before 2009 and remember if the players ever stood on the sidelines for the National Anthem – I remember, they did not. Not the NFL. Not the NBA. Not the MBL. Not the NHL. None of them until 2009. Donald Trump began his campaign in a divisive manner and has continued to do so. Why concern yourself with who stands and who doesn’t for the Flag when there are vastly more important issues to consider, such as Healthcare for the Elderly and Children, the massive damage to Puerto Rico and Florida from Hurricanes, the lack of confidence around the world in the United States and a man who is playing with your life … This should concern you – not the distraction of The NFL, the Flag, and kneeling. Pay attention to a man who has the attention span of a two year old who only cares if he’s causing destruction in his wake. Remember, this is the same man who inferred that the White Supremacists in Charlottesville had some “fine people in it”. Conquer and Divide equals Defeat … They teach that in the Military and in Business Schools. It comes from an Book named The Art of War written by a Chinese Philosopher/Soldier centuries ago who assisted the First Emperor of China to conquer all of it. Check it out and learn something about tactics.
Enjoy Football – Life is too short. I know.
I will always stand, with hand on heart for bour national anthem; however I totally understand the players’
message. Trump doesn’t have a clue. Racism has never died in this country and we have a president
that is too oblivious to understand the kneelers message. Trump has coddled white Supremicists,
lied about President Obama’s place of birth, and focuses on immigrants who are in this country to do
the work that most Americans would never do. I would like to see Trump spend some time kneeling in
fields to bring food to his hotel restaurant table. Instead of coddling the white Supremicists, criticize
NFL players, trying to build a wall, he should get down himself and get something done. All the money
and time that he spends twittering and trying to build a wall, monitor the free press, and play golf, should be spent working to really make truly make America better!
He should work to shrink the divide and help those that really need it, like the disabled (veterans and others), the kids who need education and health care, and those suffering under what is no doubt, a climate change. Help the hungry, the poor, hard working huddled masses that desperately need life saving assistance. It is embarrassing to have a billionaire president who has little comprehension about what this country really needs! Ego, racism, sexism, ignorance is not what people want to see in a President for the greatest Country on earth! I seriously doubt that Trump can stop the American sport of
Football. He is wasting his Time,
Earlier this week, a woman said the “F” word quite loudly, right behind my two little girls and me in a line to enter an event. Did she have the “freedom” to use that type of language? Yes. Was it APPROPRIATE to use that language when two elementary school girls could easily hear it? I hope you will agree that it was not.
Falling back on the freedom of speech argument is a diversion from the real argument of whether the NFL players’ actions are APPROPRIATE. There are many things that we have the RIGHT to do but may not be APPROPRIATE. That is what the NFL debate is about. I do not think what the players are doing is APPROPRIATE, even though they have the RIGHT to do it.
Additionally, it is questionable whether they even do have the RIGHT to do it *in that particular forum*, the same way my employer can limit my ability to conduct political protests in my own place of employment. Where was the “freedom of speech” argument when the NFL prohibited players from including 9/11-related insignias on their uniforms, or wouldn’t permit the Dallas Cowboys to include on their helmets an expression of support for the police officers killed in their city??? Why was the NFL allowed to prevent those expressions of free speech? Because as a private organization they have the RIGHT to enforce rules and standards, just like they can with the National Anthem protests.
The writer of this article has said that Colin” Kaerpernick’s kneeling during the national anthem should have been nipped in the bud, not tolerated.” As I understand the first amendment to the constitution it says.”Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
We may or may not agree with Kaerpernick’s position on racism in America, or how, where, and when he chose to expresss his views, However the constitution has guaranteed his right to do so. Thus we may say that his right to protest is the constitution in action.
When any president takes the oath of office, he raises his right hand, puts his left hand on the bible and swears “to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Sadly, our president has not defended Kaerpernick’s constitutional right to free speech, and therefore has violated the oath that he swore to on inauguration day.
As for myself, I agree with Evelyn Beatrice Hall who said, “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it. Thank you.