Several Reasons Why A Lot Of Black Churches And Black Pastors Have Sold Out The Interest Of The Black Community.

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( These days, in my rare appearances of being out in public, I walk around predominant black areas in Montgomery and almost on every street and every corner in our community, it’s not uncommon to see a church everywhere you look in the community.

Not all black churches and black pastors have sold out the interest of the black community because I actually know some of the black churches and black pastors that truly care for our community.

Here are several actual reasons why a lot of black churches have sold out the interest of the black community.

1. A Lot Of Them Breed Pimp Pastors – One of the most notorious things that I have noticed about a lot of these black churches is that a lot of black pastors don’t care about their community because they use their platform to actually exploit their members (working class blacks) every Sunday by asking for a “donation” of 10% of their paycheck which actually goes out of our community and into the hands of these greedy, money hungry parasitic capitalist corporations, corrupt big money politicians, and also in their own greedy pockets therefore becoming pimp pastors in the process.

2. Living An Illusion Of “The High Life” – A lot of these black pastors that use their platform to exploit members also use the “donations” to fund their illusionary lifestyle in which their lavish home, expensive watches, expensive cars are material things that only last temporary because they can’t take any of those things with them after they leave this world. I also wanna note that back in the day, there was a rock song that was actually told a cautionary tale about the dangers of living life in the fast lane and it seems that a lot of these pastors in our community still don’t get that message at all.

3. A Lot Of Them Are Greedy And Very Materialistic – I also noticed that a lot of black churches and black pastors these days seem to have this very toxic habit of placing greed and materialism over their own community and this was clearly evident when Creflo Dollar asked members of his big megachurch in Atlanta to “donate” $60 million for a private jet and my first thought was “Why in the hell is this guy literally exploiting his members by asking them for such a ridiculous donation like that?”. Good thing was that the greedy bastard never did get the $60 million for that private jet he so desperately wanted.

4. A Lot Of Them Work In The Back Pockets Of Corrupt Big Money Politicians – One of the most glaring things that I noticed about the presidential election last year was that a lot of these black pastors that actually work in the back pockets of these corrupt big money politicians were basically buckdancing for two notorious enemies of the black community in Hillary and Trump because both candidates did what corrupt big money candidates do: pander to the black community for votes and do absolutely nothing for the black community once they get into office and we have seen this so many times.

The Conclusion – We must come to an understanding that not every black church and black pastor in our community has our community’s best interest at heart because a lot of them work in the back pockets of these corrupt big money politicians.

Staff Writer; Kwame Shakir (aka Joe D.)