(ThyBlackMan.com) Can you see the forest for the trees or the people for the city, can you see the beauty of a community because of its children, youth, teens and young adults striving to be successful and contributing to their communities.
Can you see the diversity of a community by it’s people as they interact and live each day. There are more positive things going on in Northwest Jacksonville than people and even the media think.
Can you see the personal investment and re-investment of growing business owners and entrepreneurs? New business owners provide new jobs and even provide hope for the future of generations that dream of success. Can you see the opportunity for unity, collaborations, and educational success in Northwest Jacksonville or do you see a different version either because you do not live there or your vision is corrupted by outside influences.
No community is perfect in our wonderful city, each has its challenges, too many times it is not equally reported and shared. Do not judge one community because of those that have lost hope and opportunities.
Do you see the potential of hundreds of elementary, middle and high school students that attend schools in the 32209 and surrounding areas? These children, youth, teens and young adults deserve equitable educational resources and just as importantly respect and dignity.
They deserve opportunities for educational, economic and even political growth that last generations. They do not deserve judgments when political regimes change in a city. They deserve the chance to change, not having law enforcement treat them as second class citizens and even as threats to the broader community.
What is your vision of Northwest Jacksonville?
Vision can determine your destiny, vision can create opportunities for advancement and elevation. If you see yourself growing and put forth the work you will grow, if you see yourself being elevated and willing to do the work necessary you will be elevated. Surround yourself with people that have similar passions and purpose in life that are productive, not everyone wants to be an athlete, not everyone wants to be entertainment minded. Diversity is a great thing that needs to be encouraged and engaged.
To many people are threatened by the growth of others fearing they will lose some of their power and influence. There is room at the table for everyone to contribute and aid the people seeking to grow beyond their current educational, economic and political circumstance. If you see yourself as sleeping late you ultimately will, if you see yourself not being able to get out of bed until after 12:00 pm you probably won’t.
If you see the world passing you by it probably is, you can’t blame anyone, but yourself.
If you’re a parent that allows your child, youth, teens and young adult to tell you what they don’t want to do that is positive, productive and has growth potential you’re a part of the problem not the solution.
If your child does not have a plan for their future they are planning for failure.
Parents try to share and mold their children’s direction in life by speaking life into them. Their words are tempered by their vision on the present and projections into the future. Parents have a vision for their children and work to either guide or force the vision. It must be asked what vision does the community have about itself, what does it see in its capabilities to grow and continue to mature.
Proper vision should encourage unity, vision should inspire success so children need to see successful people in their community and strive to contribute in the unification.
There are shining lights that are seen throughout the community so the need is to increase the light of success on multiple levels and influence the vision to expand.
When there are issues and challenges vision demands that they be addressed and not to allow distractions and deceptions from others that do not share in the vision of unity, trust and love. The people have a responsibility to see truth to life that they are authentic,
valuable, and equally important to a city they live, breathe, pray and work in. The works are many, and as always only a few are willing to sacrifice to fulfil the needs, but others benefit that have lost the vision and need to be helped when necessary.
When the community has a shared vision great things can be accomplished when there is clear and consistent vision for everyone. The community grows in power and purpose. What is the vision of Northwest Jacksonville, it must be important to all areas of Jacksonville because we need each area to be successful for Jacksonville to grow and prosper as a whole. Appropriately Vision Keepers and New Town Success Zone are striving, working, planning, coordinating, sacrificing, and collaborating to bring a unified vision for Northwest Jacksonville inclusive of the diverse zip codes that embrace a vibrant community.
Vision Keepers Economic Development Committee
Edward Waters College – Health Disparities Building
Facebook @VisionKeepersofNewTown
Community members should volunteer their time to share, inspire, manifest, and make the vision for Northwest Jacksonville a reality.
Vision Keepers and New Town Success Zone
George Maxie, Executive Director
New Town Success Zone at Edward Waters College
Photos provided by Paul Stewart Photography
Staff Writer; William D. Jackson
Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.
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