(ThyBlackMan.com) As a proud grateful American who happens to be black, I am frustrated by Leftists’/fake news media’s frenzied exploitation of the racial violence in Charlottesville. How can justice, peace, love and unity prevail when leftists are obsessed with using any and every opportunity to further its socialistic/progressive agenda and mission to overturn the peoples’ election of Trump? Leftists/fake news media promote their narrative that America as founded sucks; is eternally racist, sexist and homophobic. Leftists are not interested in truth, fairness or Americans getting along. Patriotic brotherhood would throw a wrench into Leftists’ American-white-males-are-the-source-of-all-evil-in-the-world story line.
Fake news media is having a cow over Donald Trump rightfully and truthfully declaring all sides guilty of spreading racial hate in Charlottesville. Leftists refuse to acknowledge that black racism is just as evil as white racism. Where were Leftists when Black Lives Matter declared it open season on killing whites and cops? http://bit.ly/21yxsdQ The media for the most part was mute when Black Lives Matter marched down a NY street chanting, “What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want it? Now!!” http://bit.ly/2uY2jqO
Unchallenged or criticized, Black Lives Matter has been inflicting violence across America; numerous incidents which include kidnapping and torturing a Trump supporter and attacking white families at state fairs. http://bit.ly/2p7UHnl Black teens set a 13 year old boy on fire for being white. http://nydn.us/1U6K6ik Have you heard any condemnation of Black Lives Matter from fake news media?
So how can we as right minded Americans of all races come together when Leftists who control most of the airways are committed to spreading division, hate and a one-sided bogus story line?
President Donald Trump calling all racism evil was morally correct and presidential. Shamefully, Obama invited, praised and celebrated the extreme hate group Black Lives Matter at the White House. http://bit.ly/29ELFE3 Leftists believe it is morally right for blacks to hate whites. Leftists call me an Uncle Tom traitor to my black race for not reserving a certain amount of resentment and hate for my fellow Americans who are white.
Fake news media attempting to twist Donald Trump’s unifying message to brand him racist is the height of moral bankruptcy and must be rejected by the American people. For far too long, we have shrugged our shoulders in frustration saying, “Oh well, that’s just the bias liberal media.” Meanwhile, Americans are suffering and dying due to fake news media’s insidious propaganda and hate generating lies.
Outrageously, a Leftist ad campaign instilled fear, hate and paranoia in black parents. The evil campaign absurdly instructed black parents to send their kids to school wearing bulletproof vests to protect them from racist cops. http://bit.ly/2tbHrgi
When do we the people say enough and hold Leftists/fake news media accountable for their crimes against all Americans? Please note. I am not advocating violence. I am advocating calling out Leftists/fake news media operatives, exposing them for the vile evil trash that they are; unworthy of our time, respect or support of their sponsors.
Remember, “All that is needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.”
My white wife of 40 years and I recently moved from Florida to a tiny town in West Virginia to be closer to our elderly sickly parents. Mine is one of a few black faces in town. We have experienced none of the stereotypical racism Leftists would have you believe about heartland America. Quite the opposite. Locals have bent over backwards to make Mary and I feel welcome. White neighbor Ron brought us corn from his huge garden; guaranteed to be the sweetest we have ever eaten. Ron was correct.
White local handyman and hunter Randy fixed our hot water heater for peanuts. He promised to keep us stocked in venison. Folks around here are big Trump supporters.
Watching fake news media’s relentless attempts to portray America as a hellhole of white supremacists who elected Trump is truly disheartening and evil. We simply cannot continue allowing them to get away with it. The stakes are too high. Allowing Leftists’ daily fueling of racial hate to go unabated puts American lives at risk.
The local internet provider cannot install wifi in our home until later this month. I’ve been using the wifi at the local country store. When I left the store the other evening an elderly white gentleman complete stranger cheerfully yelled as I was getting into my car, “Have a great evening son!” That gentleman represents the real typical white American of today. The majority of white Americans are not the rabid hate-filled racist fake news media relentlessly tells you they are. If Americans were racist, Obama could not have been elected for two terms considering that blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population.
Let’s stand together as Americans folks and just say “no” to Leftists’/fake news media’s hate-mongering. Brothers and sisters, “We Are Americans!” http://bit.ly/1AIVqp6
Staff Writer; Lloyd Marcus
Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
I believe you as very smart man but should go back and review history I mean before Africans become slave and all the roots associated to it. I’m a black Latino from South America who doesn’t speak Spanish I look at myself as a black person who has part of my family black and white I know how much struggle if had to have to face it by the race matter, I grow up seen my white uncle starting job and after that he could bring his (open the door)black brother which in all means was better efficient skilled and successful than him. I also believe your a missing a point when you spoke about The President he’s not that sweet and innocent he knows what he’s doing and he’s not doing it right because he’s the chief in command whos job should united Americans and not divided US.