Janet Jackson & Paula Abdul are Legends.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Today it seems like everyone thrives on comparison to the point that it makes no sense at all. Are we so hard up for competition that we make want to make rivalries of friends? I was asked recently about Janet Jackson, and Paula Abdul. Apparently, it was explained to me that Janet Jackson became an international superstar while 90’s pop star Paula Abdul seemed to pale in comparison where stardom is concerned.

The truth is both Janet Jackson, and Paula Abdul are legends…their areas of stardom are just different. Janet Jackson is a good singer and awesome performer. Paula Abdul is a good singer, and amazing dancer/choreographer. There is no need to pit these women against each other when they complement each other well, and have worked together.

Janet Jackson has a tenured careered that respected all over the world, but let’s be real there was a time she was called Michael’s little sister. When Paula Abdul came on the scene as an artist some questioned whether she outshined Janet Jackson. The truth is Paula Abdul is a gifted choreographer that has worked with Janet Jackson. We don’t know what caused Paula Abdul to stop recording. I know I was a really big fan of hers, but the truth is her legacy is deeply tied to dance, and that is where she and Janet Jackson crossed paths. Paula Abdul and Janet Jackson had a relationship that was formed around dance.

Paula Abdul worked with Janet on quite a few songs providing the choreography. There is no history of strife between these two legends that I could find. Maybe one could compare music careers, but in that area Janet Jackson seems to win out as she has a larger music catalog, and more accolades in the area of albums made and records sold. However, Paula Abdul, through dance, is a part of Janet Jackson’s music history in a way that Janet does not contribute to that of Paula Abdul’s.

We see Paula Abdul on shows such as: American Idol, Live to Dance and The X Factor as a judge. She seems to be doing well for herself. As for Janet Jackson, it looks like she will be headed back to a big stage soon…or at least that’s what many of us are hoping. Both women have a special place in in music, and both should be celebrated for what they bring to the table. Honestly it makes no since to compare them, nor pit them against each other. Janet Jackson and Paula Abdul are legends that are talented, and relevant.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Sassy