(ThyBlackMan.com) We have a commander-in-chief whose campaign chairman, son-in-law, and eldest son had a meeting with emissaries allegedly sent by the Russian Government to castigate the personality of Trump’s fierce competitor in the last general elections, Hillary Clinton. It is disheartening that Trump suggested on Twitter that “most politicians” would have attended that “unholy” meeting- another sign of insincerity on the part of his administration. We want to know the caliber of such politicians he was referring to. One lie after another; when will it all end?
This is a president who sacked the FBI director, James Comey, saddled with the responsibility of investigating the role of Russia in the electoral process that brought in Trump. Will Trump also make an attempt to fire special counsel Robert S. Mueller III? Recently he granted an interview to The New York Times in which he assailed the reliability of his controversially handpicked Department of Justice choice, Jeff Sessions. What if he succeeds in canning Mueller? Will Congress let him have his way without putting up a fight? Because if the highest office in our nation can get away with such legal impugnity, it spells disaster for the rest of the system.
Here is a president that makes us think he was manufactured in Russia; declaring “Made in America” week when most of his retail merchandise, and that of his daughter Ivanka, is produced in countries like Mexico, China, Indonesia and Bangladesh. When Politico made an inquiry into this critical stance of the hypocritical President’s business interest, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee-Sanders could not give a remotely satisfying reply.
He has not kept his promise to assist the middle class who have been in distress. During his campaign, he promised health insurance for everyone, but he later reneged on this promise as he supported legislation that would deprive more than twenty million persons of insurance coverage. According to a recent Post-ABC News poll, his approval rating has been reduced to a meager 36%, which is considered a historic low point for a sitting President at this time. Despite the unpopularity, he has continued to receive the endorsement from self-identified Republicans.
His administration lacks direction and doesn’t seem to get anything right. His “kitchen” cabinet members have been contentious, unqualified, and unethical while undertaking everything possible to curry favor with him then ready to defend his every ridiculous statement. Within a week, his team has been found wanting as they went from “the Trump Campaign team had no meetings with Russians” to admitting there was a meeting without collusion and later said “Collusion is not a crime”. This tells us a lot about their conscience and loyalty to what appears to be a spiral of lies, half-truths and innuendo.
Regrettably, there is a vacuum in place of American leadership, as Trump has shown his naivety in various forms. As his weaknesses were clearly visible at the recent G-20 summit, we only hope the enemies of America, as we know them, do not take advantage of Trump’s ignorance while our allies try to convince him to take the appropriate action. It should be known that the “madman theory.” of foreign relations can be judiciously utilized by a serious and faithful leader, traits we are afraid Trump lacks at the moment.
The Republicans obviously have no clear cut plan to redeem this nations standing as principal of truth for the free world. The House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are still working to get Trump’s approval in signing a bill that will ensure a significant cut in taxes and entitlements; while providing tax breaks for the wealthiest 2%. The former “party of Lincoln” has towed the line of an unpopular mentality that is bent on winning at all cost…truth be damned!
The Democrats and Independents of our nation have to roll up their sleeves and arm themselves with the truth. Not the politically biased opinion, or the alternative facts, but the objective truth. Let’s be honest here; the presence of Pro-Trump loyalists in the House and Senate, providing cover for the excesses of Mr. Trump will not allow for a walk in the park. The power of incumbency and the Gerrymandered districts will make the process of unseating the President a hard feat, but it is highly possible. The midterm elections of 2018, in my view, will find the Democrats in position to right the terrible wrong this administration has proven to be 6 months into a 4 year term. This administration has mastered the art of “alternative facts”, or more commonly referred to as lies. Please remember that a lie’s greatest defense is to tell the lie and hope that no one will counter it with the truth.
The legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. has given us ammunition to address this matter: “Truth crushed to earth will rise again!” The Democratic Party must put a plan in place with a message backed up with a sense of urgency in order to conquer theses lies with truth in the 2018 midterm elections. Trump’s style is to intimidate critics of his administration, but he should understand that America is bigger than any president and more resilient than any “lie.” Because, if there’s one thing that can remain objective, untarnishable, and fundamental to America, it is that the truth, backed with unmistakable evidence, is the truth; the whole truth…so help us God!
Staff Writer; Stanley G. Buford
Feel free to connect with this brother via Twitter; Stanley G. and alsofacebook; http://www.facebook.com/sgbuford.
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