Democrats Pimping Minority Communities.

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( Not all, not all, not all, but most Democrats today do not respect black people, or anyone else. Rather, they use blacks to push their own agenda.

We all know that black “leaders” exploit the people – I’ve talked about Maxine Waters (“Auntie Maxine“), John Lewis, Barack Obama, the Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP (no different from the KKK), Black Lives Matter (worse than the KKK), Louis Farrakhan (modern-day Hitler) and false preachers, including T.D. Jakes and Michael Eric Dyson (not called by God but by their mama).

But let’s not forget about “white” politicians and others who also take advantage of foolish black and “minority” people who don’t know better.

Because blacks are brainwashed to believe in “racism” (which doesn’t even exist, and never has), they support phony “anti-racist” efforts. They blindly support Democrats who never had their best interests at heart. Around 95 percent of blacks supported Barack Obama, the worst president in American history; the same supported the second-most corrupt president, Bill Clinton, impeached for lies and obstruction of justice.

Democrats hurt blacks more today than during slavery – supporting abortion, destruction of the family, LGBT madness, removing God from public life, creating ghettos and favoring criminals over the innocent.

On June 28, I spoke at a press conference in Los Angeles held by Duane “Dog” Chapman (Dog the Bounty Hunter) and his wife, Beth – against a California bill that’s supposed to help black people, but in reality will hurt blacks.

I testified Tuesday, July 11, in Sacramento at a public safety committee hearing against so-called “bail reform,” SB 10, written by State Sen. Bob Hertzberg, D-Van Nuys, and Assemblyman Rob Bonta, D-Oakland, which would grant “pretrial release” to criminal suspects, freeing them from jail without posting bail.

I said that Sen. Hertzberg and the sponsors of this bill “hate black people.” He hates black women and black children. The presiding lawmaker, black Assemblyman Reginald B. Jones-Sawyer, D-South Central L.A., cut my mic in attempt to silence me and protect his Democratic colleague. The room erupted at hearing the plain truth – mostly in rage, some in joy.

I told Hertzberg that he does not respect black people. He and other politicians live in safe, often gated communities. Meanwhile they subject “poor” people to more victimization by setting suspects free, undermining the police.

Some lobbyists and bail-bonds people also opposed to the bill were upset with me. They thought I “pulled the race card” and called the senator “racist.” But I didn’t. I said he hates black people – blacks are the ones most victimized by crime. Unfortunately, Republicans, whites and too many “good” people are afraid to call Democrats out on their lies and hit them hard with the truth. Democrats lie about blacks being hurt by “racism.” Why not tell the truth about blacks being hurt by Democrats?

Crime expert Heather Mac Donald tells of black mothers around the country begging authorities to take drug dealers off street corners. I know people who have been raped, robbed, their homes burglarized – and they know the perpetrators but are afraid to report them. But people like Sen. Hertzberg don’t care.

Thankfully, some Democrats see how insane this bill is. Unfortunately, I don’t hear a loud outcry from anyone else against this insanity.

Hertzberg and others say it’s unfair that some can afford bail while others cannot. So they lie and say it’s about “justice,” addressing “racial and economic disparities.”

But Christ said, “To him who has, more will be given. But for him who does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.” Because blacks and Hispanics lack moral character, so they lack physical things in life.

But money bail protects the community by making defendants accountable. Even criminals don’t want mama or grandma to lose her house if she posts their bail, so they’ll show up to court. Without bail, there’s nothing to stop them from committing more crimes, threatening and intimidating witnesses, skipping court dates and becoming fugitives.

Most criminals and their loved ones lean Democratic. Blacks and Hispanics, typically raised by single mothers, disproportionately commit violent crime. Liberals say “poor women of color” pay the most in bail for male loved ones. The obvious solution: Restore the family, and return children to fathers.

Phony politicians complain that jailing people costs money. Much more costly to communities is the crime and the “no snitch” culture in which evil people rule by fear over good people.

Sen. Hertzberg protects his own loved ones. Why doesn’t he protect innocent blacks and Hispanics?

We see examples of “bail reform” failure in New Jersey where a similar law, signed by Gov. Chris Christie, went into effect just this January. A quick look at the website shows horrific examples in New Jersey of violent offenders let out after sexual assaults, drug and weapons offenses, strong-arm robbery – and some of those released are now suspects accused of shooting, car-jacking and even killing people after they were freed.

If government “leaders” truly cared about black and Hispanic suffering, they’d reduce crime not by leniency, but by restoring the family.

Written by Jesse Lee Peterson

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