Don’t Let Drink End Your Career.

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(ThyBlackMan.comWe must all know by now that drinking isn’t the harmless activity that it’s sometimes made out to be. When we’re young, we can get so carried away by the thrill of having finally turned 21 that it can be easy to start drinking too much or too often. But it’s not just the bodily harm you have to consider when it comes to boozing – you also have to consider the potential harm you may be doing to your long-term life prospects. There’s a chance that taking things too far with drink can risk your career.

How drink can lead to career disaster

Public drunkenness, or a drunk and disorderly conviction, doesn’t tend to harm your career chances all that much – unless you happened to commit the crime in front of your prospective employer! However, you need to consider the time proximity between the incident and your job application. Drunken antics in your youth will almost certainly be forgiven. But something that’s a little more recent, that has taken place well into adulthood? These can be a much more serious matter, especially if an employer is given reason to believe you’re currently struggling with booze. One crime that has much more profound implications, however, is driving under the influence.

The kind of careers at risk

There are plenty of jobs out there in which a DUI conviction won’t matter all that much to the employer. As long as your work history and general demeanor show strength of character and a record of working hard, then you can be fine. But there are certain career paths where a DUI conviction really can sink your chances. It’s important to understand that this isn’t absolute – it may, for example, be possible to get a truck driving job with a DUI conviction – but, in general, any prospective career that has you operating machinery – driving or in construction – may be at serious risk.

Saving a career

Driving under the influence doesn’t necessarily doom you to remain jobless for the rest of your life, or even to take low-level jobs that are below your current standing. There are plenty of business owners out there who won’t judge you all that harshly for it; people tend to recognize that people make mistakes. But if you have been charged with a DUI, it may be wise to work with the best DUI attorney you can. This can help prevent a conviction or too strong a blemishing of your record, which can definitely improve your career chances in the future.

The root problem

Statistics show that an alarming number of people in the United States have gotten drunk and gone driving in the past – and many of those drivers weren’t caught and thus don’t have any charges on their record. Perhaps you’re one of them. If you’ve found yourself drunk behind the wheel at any point, then it’s time to have a serious think about your situation. People who have done this often find that they’re drinking too regularly. Be honest with yourself about your situation and seek help if you need it.

Staff Writer; Craig Poole

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