Building Your #HBCU Brand In 2017 to Be Invincible.

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( In today’s digital society HBCUs or what is known as Historically Black College and University students cannot allow others to Brand them. No one should be allowed to take their voice nd use it against them or describe them.

There are billions of people on the planet, each person from conception to death has a story, a voice and a personal Brand. No one should allow others to tell their story, to Brand with nonsense about who they are, and what they are about. HBCUs have a rich history of culture, creativity, innovation and invention. They have weathered the mighty storms of post slavery, segregation and racism to survive into the 21st century. Youth, teens and young adults must be trained to tell their own stories to the world and not fall into intellectual complacency.

How others sees HBCU students is important, society should see beyond skin tones, hair styles, clothing lines and accept the beautiful imperfections that each have and should embrace, this is a world of diversity, but it seems to many are scared of and running from the awesomeness of cultural and gender diversity they possess.

This is why an HBCU student’s’ Brand is important, to help define outside of visual perceptions. Why would anyone allow mass media to define them, to tell an incomplete and inaccurate story that only sees or tells false and have truths? Listen to Chimamunda Adichie in the TED Talk – The Danger of a Single Story
or Systems of adversity: for the love of teaching | Rusul Alrubail | TEDxKitchenerED
that shows no one can tell their story or understand the complexity of survival.

HBCUs even today are fighting for more than financial support, they are striving for respect and recognition to show their continued and transformative contributions in this nation. As the recent President has shown, there is still disrespect, bias and even stereotypical mentalities present that are dangerous because it promotes separation and aggression not peace and unity. In 2013, St. Paul College closed after 125 years, a rich history of building men and women, the stories continue in history, but someone should have been sharing them.

There are many HBCUs that have not survived history, they live on in their students and the accomplishments still being achieved, on individual levels, but no one is writing about the history, heritage and successes. As the graduates of HBCUs pass into history so do the experiences, memories and historical accomplishments. The Brand of HBCUs should continuously be modified and adapted for telling a story of growth, hope and preparing for the future.

Branding, Marketing, Self-reflection, Building Relationships, Networking, Collaboration and Integration of information. HBCU students must find out what their Brand is personally and what Niche they are part of, asking themselves where they are heading: What do they want to do with their life? How can they match their career aspirations with their personal Brand? How do they want society to see them? What makes them unique?

HBCU students must identify why their Brand is important and relevant in the world not just with their friends and family, but in a broader perspective of expanding their voice.

Building your Brand in 2017 can mean the difference between being invisible and invincible.

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.