Bill Cosby; My Thoughts Black Man.

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( When Bill Cosby was flying high and deluding himself into believing that his money and fame made him an honorary member of the “White Elitist Society,” he said the following in his infamous “Pound Cake” rant:
“Looking at the incarcerated, these are not political criminals. These are people going around stealing Coca-Cola. People getting shot in the back of the head over a piece of pound cake! And then we all run out and are outraged, ‘The cops shouldn’t have shot him!’ What the hell was he doing with the pound cake in his hand?”
Well, maybe he was hungry, Bill Cosby. Does that warrant the death penalty? On the other hand, you were stealing something of a lot more value than pound cake, so let me ask you the same question – what the hell were you doing with Quaaludes in your hand? So don’t try to look all sad and put-upon now, because you’re the one who set the standard by which you’re now being judged.

It’s now being asked would you be in your current position if you were White?  Well, maybe, and maybe not.  But that’s not the issue here.  The issue is whether or not you actually committed what you’re alleged to have done to these 60 (count ‘em – SIXTY!) women – period.  If you’re found guilty of this crime – and personally, I think you are – that’s a form of bigotry as well.  It’s called sexism, or misogyny, so you’re in no position to be whining about discrimination.  If you were a White homosexual accused of abusing 60 Black men in the exact same manner the narrative would be completely different.  There’d be demonstrations all over this country screaming for your head.  So why should we be any less outraged over what you’re alleged to have done to these women?
America really needs to wake up – and especially Black people.  Sexual bigotry is just as disgusting as racial bigotry. In spite of the fact that if many of us had to depend on our father’s to stand by us as children we would have long since starved to death, women are not only discriminated against as Black people, but as women, and not only by the White establishment, but by America as a whole – and that includes the Black community.  While we no longer tolerate the use of the “N-word” in this society, we put out videos, as entertainment, that’s disseminated all over the world, calling Black women “bitches” and hoes” – and these are videos created by Black men!  So I don’t want to hear a damn thing about you being discriminated against, not in this case, because if you’re found guilty of the charges lodged against you, you’re just as much of a bigot as the Grand Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan.

Think about this, Bill Cosby. What if some perverted bigot did the exact same thing to your daughter? I don’t know about you, but as “America’s favorite dad” I’m sure you’ll understand when I tell you  that if  you’d raped my daughter in this way you wouldn’t have even made it to court.  So if you’re found guilty of these serial RAPES (and let’s call a hat a hat, that’s what it was), I hope they throw your perverted ass UNDER the jail, “America’s favorite dad” or not, “good brother.”  You deserve it, because on top of what you did to these women, you’re a hypocrite, and a pig of a husband as well.

Staff Writer; Eric L. Wattree

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