Pack Like A Pro: What Not To Forget When You Go On Vacation.

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(ThyBlackMan.comWhen a vacation is calling, we all know that the countdown begins and jetting off for a relaxing week or two is all we can think about. When you’ve found the perfect location and an incredible hotel, you can start to relax a little – as the hunt is finally over. But, the planning and preparations don’t end as soon as you’ve made your booking. In fact, they’ve only really just begun. Regardless of what kind of vacation you go on, you’re going to want to make sure that you pack smart. To ensure that you can make the most of your break away, have fun and enjoy yourself, you’re going to want to make sure that you get your packing preparations down like a pro.

Carry On Luggage

You know that you’re going to need to take luggage with you when you travel, but you’re also going to need a carry on too. You might think you don’t need the extra room, but you’re going to want to make sure you have a chic, sturdy and reliable purse or bag, like something from Bolvaint, to carry on the plane with you. That way, you can make sure that you keep all of your valuables and things like a book or iPad, close to you during your travels.

Beauty Products

When you head on vacation, you often pick up the essentials for grooming and assume you’re done. But, when you travel, you can often need more beauty products than you think. First up, sunscreen is important – especially for the kids. But, you’re also going to want to make sure you have a moisturiser with you too to rehydrate your skin after a day out in the sun. And then, there’s always things like cologne and hair gel that you need for every evening out.

Cables & Power Adapters

A little less exciting but necessary all the same is the kind of cables and power adaptors you’re going to need on your trip. To start with, you’re going to want to take your phone charger if you want to stay connected. But that’s not all. If you’re taking a laptop or iPad with you for work or even a little entertainment, you’re also going to want to make sure that you have the power adapters for them to keep you charged up. Also, you’re going to want to ensure you have the right power adapters and converters, especially if you’re going overseas.


If you take any medication, you know that you’ll need to pack that somewhere safe, preferably in your carry on if it’s allowed. But, you might also want to take things like aspirin in case you get sick while you’re away and don’t have instant access to a pharmacy. If you wake up with a headache, you’ll be glad you thought ahead.

The Right Clothing

And finally, you need to think about the proper attire that you’ll need for the vacation you’re heading on. If you’re going to the beach, you’re definitely going to want swimsuits and lighter clothing for your time away, but you may also need layers in case it gets cold at night. If you’re going to a fancy hotel, you may even need to look at the dress code, in case you need to bring formal wear for every evening meal.

Staff Writer; Karl Golden

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