Rihanna isn’t the Voice but It’s Cool.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Lately I’ve been on a bit of a roll about my thoughts on different singers. Well I must let you know that I definitely love Rihanna, and I think it’s fair to say most do. Granted when I’m listening to her music I love the beats, it makes me want to dance, and I dig the culture in her albums. There have been times where the music has been very dark and volatile, but that’s art.

When I think of Rihanna that’s exactly what comes to mind…art as in profound pieces of art work. Her vibe is totally different, and even if you don’t understand everything she’s singing…or you aren’t sure if she’s singing…her music will move you just the same.

A Rihanna concert is full of energy, and she is an awesome performer in her own right. The same culture you feel when you listen or see her videos is what get seeing her live. With that sincere praise in mind…as a singer her voice is an acquired taste. When I paid attention to her voice for the first time it was on the song “Unfaithful”, and I was listening wondering to myself…this is different. I really couldn’t decide if I just liked the voice. However, I was drawn in by the story being told…like cheating was equated to a form of murder. Rihanna had my attention as an artist…but I accepted that it wasn’t her voice but everything else that the music meant.

Honestly, Rhianna is not the dynamic voice yet we love her anyway. No one would boo her at a concert, nor will we see her singing the national anthem or something along those lines. We love her for the pushing of the envelope that is art, and culture. We love her fearless, yet vulnerable presence as an artist.

It’s quite okay that Rihanna’s voice isn’t just the best…she makes her voice and vocals fit her in a style, and manner, that is totally unique to her. That’s to be celebrated in a time where everyone seems to want to sound like the next person. When I think of purely voices she may not come to mind, and it’s cool.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Sassy