(ThyBlackMan.com) Janet Jackson’s five year marriage to Wissam Al Mana seems to be over. As more rumors swirl that the two are heading towards divorce not long after the birth of their son Eissa Al Mana some thought it an opportunity to start some mess. Let’s get a something straight: it is not okay to accuse Janet Jackson of being a gold digger when nothing points in that direction. Just like haters and sexist to come after the woman in this situation as if the man could have had no faults in the matter. This is pure foolishness!
Janet Jackson is worth near 250 million dollars’ people…she is NOT hurt for money. Furthermore, if we are going to make assumptions…nothing in her behavior has ever pointed towards her being a gold digger. The problem, as always, is people really need to get a life of their own. Janet Jackson is a legend with a career paved in hard work so it’s very disrespectful, during a trying time, to try and drag her name. Some people are so miserable that they hate on those that earn what they have. Janet Jackson is a new mom, and I am so happy for her motherhood. Some of us out here really do hope she and Wissam Al Mana are able to work out their differences.
The elephant in the room is not Janet Jacksons’ character, but that of cultural and religious divide. Janet Jackson was raised Jehovah’s Witness and, though she broke away from it, Wissam Al Mana is Muslim. Trying to transition to that of a Muslim wife can be very difficult because it is a deep culture shock that doesn’t offer much room for transition over time. It has been said that Janet Jackson was concerned that Al Mana might have been disappointed with her in this area. She did make obvious changes in her style, dress and career to accommodate the new lifestyle…rumor is she even converted to Islam. In addition to the culture clash it was rumored that he was too controlling, and with the baby the control was overwhelming. Though it would be thought that the birth of their baby would bring them together if could have made the divide worse when having to confront how the child would be raised. Eissa is with Janet Jackson who is setting up base in London.
We don’t know what will happen but it seems that Wissam Al Mana does want to keep his family as he made a public declaration of love for his wife Janet Jackson. This is a big deal as he’s a private person.
To the most beautiful person in the world, thank you for your divine love, your eternal support and for being my best friend,” the letter reads. “I love you so much, inshallah we will be together in the Great Forever x.”
Let’s hope Janet Jackson and Wissam Al Mana can work it out. However, if they can’t it’s not because Janet Jackson is a gold digger. I highly doubt she needs that 500 million, and that’s probably the least of her concerns.
Staff Writer; Adonicka Sassy
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