(ThyBlackMan.com) Kiswahili [another term for Swahili] the proverb “Asiyefunzwa na mamae hufunzwa na ulimwengu,” shares the responsibility of the community (village), or town or city to raise/educate children. The exposure to educational strategies, concepts, best practices and the application of diverse technologies can sometimes seem challenging when the infrastructure is still being ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s typical of liberals to misdiagnose a problem and then come up with a false solution. Children of the lie live in darkness, yet they judge others and prescribe complicated answers that do more harm than good. “Racism” is a perfect example. Look at the division in the country. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In the news recently, Dr. Ben Carson caught flack from the black community for calling their ancestors immigrants. It is fact that the United States of America is a country built by and inhabited by immigrants, but for some reason, black Americans like to think of themselves as much less. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Sometimes it seems like we can’t talk to each other about anything sensitive because we don’t speak the same language. The words we use are the same, but they mean very different things to people on different sides of the argument. If we’re really interested in resolving problems and getting ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Vehicles like cars and trucks tend to depreciate at a fast pace. This means there is an enormous decrease in value for the same. The depreciation occurs on a yearly basis and the loss in around 10% of the value bought at. Insurance rates are also high which makes it ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s quite okay to respect an individual’s academic intelligence. I will never argue with Dr. Ben Carson’s accomplishments as a physician. He did not lose my respect by becoming a Republican. It is very important that we understand political party ought not be a definition of character where black people ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) #45 Trump made news again when he abruptly switched gears and said that he wouldn’t keep hands off Medicaid as he kind of, sort of promised to do during the campaign. Now, says Trump, it’s fair game for a quick assault, namely, the part of the program that some governors, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Despite what the public school his-story books say about American slavery, but the truth is that it NEVER ended in 1865 because it still happens today in America in several forms. 1. Economic Slavery – Many of us are trained at a very early age especially in the public school ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) By now it should be clear to every rational American that something is seriously wrong with Donald Trump. His presidency is a little over two months old, but it feels like he has been in office for years. There seems to be a different scandal for this administration every day, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) March 2017 marks the 24th year this column has appeared in Black newspapers and periodicals across the nation and in other countries as well. It’s time for reflection. It’s time to assess, to evaluate, and decide whether to continue writing the column or bring it to an end. First, I ...