(ThyBlackMan.com) There has been news spread regarding e-cig battery explosions. E-cigs are exploding in the face of users and causing moderate to serious injury. Naturally, smokers are wary and want to know more. Do you need to worry about exploding batteries? Will you be next or have you fallen victim in ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Sometimes I wonder if I was a Black Democrat, a retired Black athlete or a Black comedian would it be easier for me to get a meeting with the leadership of the Republican Party or harder. As a life-long, die hard Black Republican, it seems almost impossible to get noticed ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The exposure to the collaboration with educators with years of experience is important for new educators and pre-service educators that attend HBCUs choosing a career in education. Becoming a teacher is not an easy decision, knowing you have the support of seasoned and respected educators is a plus and motivating. Diversity ...

(ThyBlackMan.com)  often think about the state of our community and the issues that we are currently dealing with on a daily basis. And one of these issues that greatly angers me is when a lot of mentally unstable brothers physically and verbally abuse the sisters. My grandma taught me at ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Five years ago Trayvon Martin was shot and killed in Sanford, Florida by an overzealous, prejudicial, profiling neighborhood watch captain. The 17-year-old was immortalized for wearing a hoodie home from the convenience store where he picked up an iced tea, and a bag of skittles to munch on while watching ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Before you get alarmed know I don’t have beef with social media. It can serve the purpose of dispersing information to the masses, and bringing people together. However, we also know it can disperse drama, confusion and if one is not wise it can land them in jail. The idea ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Most Americans, whether liberal or conservative, Democratic or Republican, do not show much understanding or respect for the principles of personal liberty. We criticize our political leaders, but we must recognize that their behavior simply reflects the values of people who elected them to office. That means we are all ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Congress has it in their mind to get rid of the Affordable Cares Act, and they just might get it done. Many Americans are experiencing the right to have healthcare regardless of their existing conditions, and this might be on its way out. The American Health Care Act is on ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) A lot of entrepreneurs know that the best route to a successful business isn’t always targeting the broader base of consumers out there. It can be just as rewarding, and sometimes a lot more stable, to target business owners instead. Business-to-business providers build relationships, not just sales, and those tend ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The modern workplace is not a place for slacking off. Having lazy employees costs companies billions per year, and the amount of waste a business can produce means that opportunities are missed, clients are unhappy, and the whole business goes downhill fast. But the other side of this argument is ...