(ThyBlackMan.com) Democrats are doing everything they can to prevent President Donald Trump from assuming full control of the U.S. government, including approving the building of a “shadow” government under Barack Obama just two miles from the White House. But Saturday, President Trump pulled Obama out of the shadows – he revealed ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) At a candidate’s forum in early 2015, then presidential candidate Trump without a blink said, “I don’t know if he loves America.” The “he” Trump referred to was, of course, then President Obama. The slur of and slap at Obama was simply the latest in Trump’s by then three-year campaign ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) HBCU students in the 21st century cannot wait to market themselves in a world of global commerce, digital Branding, intellectual sharing and the vast Social Media sites that are building to get the word out there about the talents, abilities and skills that HBCU students possess. HBCU students still struggle and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) One of the most common questions I get from those looking to advance their career or business is, “How do I find a mentor?” We’re all looking for someone who’s been there, done that to walk with us along our path, steady us when we stumble, and offer a wise ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) As you have likely heard by now, the media is claiming that Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that he did not have any contact with Russian officials during the campaign when in fact he  did. However, this is not what he said.  I point this out not to take sides ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Last Wednesday night, I was watching an episode of The Quad (which I am a fan of) that explored a real life issue that not only colonial universities, but also HBCUs tend to deliberately keep under the rug and it’s called violence against African women in this country. Violence ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The Bible (John 8:32) tells us, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Well, it sure looks like a lot of things in the Trump Administration are beginning to come to light. I pray that all the American people will be set free ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Kink, fetish, role play…whatever you’d like to label it, is catching steam in the bedrooms of black America. What comes to mind when someone asked you if you’re kinky? A vanilla person would possibly respond with the non-threatening, ‘I like it rough.’, or ‘ I like my hair pulled ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In a speech on July 11, 2016, #45 Trump drug out his favorite whipping boy, the murder surge in Chicago, to claim that there’s an unparalleled reign of violent lawlessness in American cites. Trump doubled down on that wild claim in an interview with Fox News, the next day, when ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Black reality shows have made a huge impact on society, specifically the African American community. Most of these shows depict an African American man, woman or couple as one who has achieved success through their artistic talent, or their talent in marrying into the right financial situation. Their everyday struggles ...