(ThyBlackMan.com) As you have likely heard by now, the media is claiming that Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that he did not have any contact with Russian officials during the campaign when in fact he did. However, this is not what he said.
I point this out not to take sides in the acrimony in Washington, but to illuminate the power of persuasion and the nature of group think.

Listen to the one and a half minute clip below, especially from 1:00 on. Ignore the writing on the screen and listen very, very closely to the exact words Jeff Sessions utters and write them down. (You might want to stop right here and play the video. Otherwise read on.)
He says “I didn’t have, not have communication with the Russians.”
This is a double negative which is a positive. Yes, he did mean to say “I did not have communication,” but that is not what he said. He slipped and told the truth, a classic Freudian slip, which is, when someone makes a mistake that really reveals the truth.
They have been playing this clip on the news again and again and again, but no one has pointed this out. Why? Because the reporters, editors and producers in the media, just like the public that watches them, have a herd mentality and simply repeat what others say and fail to think for themselves.
But back to Sessions. Only actors and pathological liars can tell what is called a “bald face lie,” that is, say something they know not to be true with an absolutely straight face. Everyone else sort of hesitates or makes a quick, furtive movement or, as in this case, stumbles over their words when lying. Jeff Sessions badly stumbled over his words at the point where he lied, and in so doing unconsciously revealed the truth. The moral of the story? At all times and all places experience the world directly, not through the eyes and ears of others. Always think for yourself.
Staff Writer; Arthur Lewin
This talented author has just published a NEW book which is entitled; AFRICA is not A COUNTRY!.
For more articles written by this talented brother click on the following link; https://thyblackman.com/?s=lewin.
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