(ThyBlackMan.com) Recently, the mainstream news media has attacked alternative news sites that put out actual information about real issues that are going on in the world by calling them “fake news” when in fact, THEY (mainstream news media) are the biggest culprits of perpetuating fake news for over several hundred years, especially here in America.
There has always been a consistent agenda by The Imperialist Establishment to keep African people in America dumbed down and uneducated because they see certain types of information like actual historical information about our true history as well as any sort of unity and empowerment as a threat to them.
Intro: Here are the biggest types of fake news in America
1. Mainstream News Media (CNN, ESPN, Fox News, MSNBC) – Most stories that you hear in mainstream news media of African people in this country, especially African men are extremely negative.
Example: Whenever a college athlete gets into trouble these days, 9 times out of 10, mainstream news media outlets like ESPN will deliberately put a mugshot of African men that actually perpetuates the mainstream media’s myth of African male criminality when in truth, most brothers in this country don’t even engage in any sort of criminal activity.
Another example is whenever a terrorist attack happens in this country or abroad, they (mainstream news media) deliberately post an image of Muslims calling them “the faces of terrorism” when in fact caucasoids are the #1 faces of terrorism on this planet.
2. Public School History Books – Another instrument of fake news in this country is the lies and myths that are perpetuated in the Eurocentric curriculum that’s promoted in all the public schools all across the country.
Example: Henry Ford developed the first automobile in America called The Model T in the early 1900s. = LIE
Actually, a brother named C.R. Patterson was actually the first person in America to actually develop an automobile in the late 1800s long before Henry Ford started making automobiles.
3. Negative Propaganda – Another main example of fake news is that mainstream media always likes to use negative propaganda to not only control certain images and messages, but to also psychologically manipulate the masses of people, particularly African people into accepting it as “truth” in this country.
Example – Mainstream media deliberately puts out images of brothers in the mainstream dating/married to Becky as if all brothers are currently dating/married to Becky which we know is false because most brothers in this country are currently dating/married to the sisters that they love, honor, cherish, protect, and respect.
Another reason why they deliberately show images like the brothers dating/married to Becky one is to psychologically manipulate the sisters into believing that all brothers “don’t love them”, “won’t protect them”, “hate them”, and all this other negative, destructive propaganda that they deliberately put out there on a daily basis.
The Conclusion – If you wanna get to understand the history of propaganda, do reasearch and watch videos that explain the history of propaganda and how it’s used a psychological warfare tactic against African people, especially in America.
Staff Writer; Kwame Shakir (aka Joe D.)
Joshua, Kwame is right that the mainstream media and the public schools push agendas that aren’t so much related to truth as they are to furthering a political narrative that they want to convince us all to believe. Claiming that one politician you don’t like is the source of all fake news is pretty short-sighted, and kind of silly, frankly. Oh, and Politifact is just another part of the mainstream media and just as biased as the rest of them.
Fake news is mostly everything Trump says.
Politifact has verified that.
And you can simply do a little research for yourself to easily spot Trumps lies