Nation of Islam’s philosophy and its effect on progressive Black America.

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( When I wrote one of my first articles  for this site, I sent it to several black leaders in America, including Louis Farrakhan’s organization, Nation of Islam.

I figured that since I’m ranting about black values and how they are never modified to progress the race in America, I sent this letter out to black leaders, in hopes that one would read it and understand where I’m coming from.

I never received a reply from anyone, but I have gained a ton of wisdom from commenting on certain YouTube videos that discuss black issues.

The best wisdom I’ve revived is that black Americans who call themselves pro black is that they are stuck in the past, and unwillingly to let that guy Jim Crow go… But they embrace people named Killer and Baby.

Also, I’ve found that pro black people collectively feel that I’m the stupid sambo because I bring logic and I don’t enable archaic beliefs.

Therefore, it was no wonder that, when I posed questions to the #Ask Farrakhan hashtag, such as ‘ Why disturb the fabric of this country just because you’ve been taught to think like slaves?’, or, ‘ You don’t think the American way is the right way, when it’s right for everyone else?’ the response is, ‘What?’, and ‘Everyone knows that the task criminal is the government. Black people are products of injustice.’

These statements made me ask about the purpose of this organization to begin with. A tweeter shared with me that war in inevitable… All great changes in history started in war.

To put it all in a nutshell, I write that Farrakhan is, in my opinion, the largest slave owner in America. A follower of his rebutted by saying that, is anything, Farrakhan was the largest slave LOVER in America.

Somehow this person couldn’t argue with the fact that slave is still a term used to describe his followers, and possibly how they perceive black Americans in general.

I would say that organizations like this is what is keeping the black progressives from having the attention of black Americans, due to the enslavement if black minds through detrimental ideologies such as what this organization indoctrinates prisoners and lost people who are seeking direction outside of themselves with.

From the conversation on Twitter, I gathered that NOI looks to overthrow America’s government, and displace people who have a different point of view than then, to a separate state or town than them.

Logically, if black America has major problems in keeping a small neighborhood in tact and the property value up, what sane government would even think of giving away even a slice of its country for such false thinking? The utter delusion is what is keeping this group alive.

Therefore, black America should really look into the legitimacy of their group think.  How amazing is it that blacks, collectively, can have the same rebuttals when someone brings up, ‘Hey! Maybe it’s your race’s fault for gentrification, police brutality and the destruction of our youth.’

My opinions, but what are yours… Individually speaking?

Staff Writer; Celeste Writer

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