(ThyBlackMan.com) I am writing this article to show my support for all the real brothers out there who are doing their best to uplift and empower our community as well as being the defenders and the protectors of their families.
I know the road is very hard for us because of all the vices that the system has put in front of us in the form of alcohol, drugs, incarceration, and marginalization. The reason why The System deliberately put liquor stores and drugs, and guns in many of our neighborhoods across the country is because they wanna exterminate and make billions off of us via mass incarceration.
Mainstream America loves us when we’re basically buck dancing for
them whether it’s entertaining them on the football field or the basketball court as well as using their platform to harm our own people (via saying ignorant and destructive things about us).

But these days, although slowly, more of us are waking up from the psychological matrix that The System has put us in since we were born and I am also happy that more of us are becoming the kings that we were truly meant to be so that we will one day reclaim what is rightfully OURS!!!
In a racist mainstream American society that promotes and glorifies the extreme disrespect of our women whether it be a reality tv show or a rap song, many of us are also going back to one of the biggest things that we have always done: protect and defend our women and children as well as to not degrade, but to empower and uplift our women because they are the true standard of beauty and are our backbone. And I am a big believer in rebuilding our family structure and strengthening our communities.
In a racist mainstream American society that loves to constantly portray us as criminals, gangstas, thugs, killers, rapists, and n****s, we real brothers adamantly reject all those negative stereotypes that they portray us as because many of us real brothers know that we are so much better than the negative portrayals that are often depicted of us in the mainstream media these days.
Even though a lot of mentally lost brothers are still engaging in ignorant and destructive behavior like turning up every weekend, staying high and drunk all the time, or just engaging in conspicuous consumption, I critique a lot of them for it, but I do it in a very honest and respectful way as opposed to just straight up bashing them for it because I believe in honest critique that will empower them as opposed to put them down.
We have been on this planet far longer than any other group of people and we didn’t bring man-made diseases, alcohol, drugs, guns, violence, destruction, war, terror, homosexuality, incest, beastiality, rape, slavery, incarceration, and racism to the world, Caucasoid brought those things to the world.
We brought, civilization, government, math, science, technology, spirituality, etc to the world and Caucasoid constantly portray us in the public school his-story books as nothing more but slaves, but when many of us started to question what we were actually indoctrinated with in public school, buy reading, researching, and watching actual historical videos, we had come to detox our minds from the racialized Caucasoid myths and lies they told about us and we unlocked our true potential and the ability to be a critical thinker.
The Conclusion – When bigots tell us that we’re “inferior” them, just know deep down in your soul that you’ll always been and always will be superior to them regardless of what they say and be the real king that you were always meant to be.
Staff Writer; Kwame Shakir (aka Joe D.)
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