(ThyBlackMan.com) The uproar continues over San Francisco 49ner quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s decision to sit-down, rather than stand, during the playing of the National Anthem. Kaepernick said his decision was intended to protest the continued injustices being inflicted on Black people, including police brutality and killings.  Though the negative tide has turned ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) During a recent interview with Australian journalist John Pilger, Assange said that Senator Bernie Sanders was forced to drop out of the race due to threats from the Clinton campaign. Julian Assange’s admission appears to substantiate claims by the Kremlin who revealed they had evidence that Jane Sanders was physically ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Several months ago, I wrote an article about who BLM truly is and what they represent. The reason why I call BLM the epitome of ignorance in our community in America is simple: they bring nothing chaos and violence to their protests as well as using aggressive tactics against common ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Today, Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., a school founded by Jesuits, apologized for its participation in American slavery. They should have known better. But, as we all know, early American Christians of European descent had no conscience when it came to the misery and suffering of Black Africans. These miserable ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) As this election nears we see both of you and your supporters talking about Black and Brown issues. However, its crystal clear to me the NEITHER of you have a clue about the issues in our communities or you do and just refuse to speak the truth either way ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Here’s what Donald Trump, at the black church in Detroit, should have said: “In the words of Malcolm X, blacks have been ‘political chumps.’ At the time, he said that 80 percent of blacks voted Democratic in hopes of a civil rights bill, but President John Kennedy, in the opinion of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The myth that America suppresses blacks is a poison which has infected the minds of far too many Americans. Biracial NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick won liberal media praise and thumbs down from many Americans when he said he would not stand for our National Anthem because America suppresses blacks. TV ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Some are puzzled by the dishonesty, lack of character and sheer stupidity of many people in the media. But seeing as most of them are college graduates, they don’t bear the full blame. They are taught by dishonest and irresponsible academics. Let’s look at it. “A Clash of Police Policies,” ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I am really getting fed up with the constant drumbeat of criticism of Donald Trump’s campaign, especially the criticism coming from Black Republicans. They seem to be willing to give President Obama, Hillary Clinton and our party’s leadership a pass, but when it comes to Trump, all of a sudden, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Let me begin by saying I am more than willing to hear anyone that can explain my concerns about an organization that I thought stood against police brutality. It is always okay for a movement to expand its scope while remaining focused on its core values. I understand that this ...