(ThyBlackMan.com) Within hours after Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby gunned down Terence Crutcher, who had his arms raised, was unarmed, and posed no threat to the officer, a Justice Department spokesperson promised to conduct a civil rights investigation into the slaying. The swift announcement by the Justice Department of a probe ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I watched a black professional football player wax passionately in his complaint that, it isn’t as bad today as when his “mamma” was born in 1955, but blacks today are still fighting for equality. The ESPN program hosts solemnly nodded their heads in agreement. The depth of ignorance the petulant ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Last year’s college news was about demands for safe spaces, trigger warnings and bans on insensitivity. This year’s college news is about black student demands for segregated campus housing and other racially segregated campus spaces and programs. I totally disagree with these calls by black students. It’s a gross dereliction ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) When Winston Churchill reflected on the Battle of Britain, he understood the importance individuals. His famous phrase “never was so much owed by so many to so few” captured this perfectly. British pilots who held off the Nazi invasion changed the course of history. The lesson here is that ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Regardless of whether you’re just starting your career and you’re going on job interviews, or you’re an experienced professional who wants to find ways to propel your career ahead more quickly, body language is an essential component. Unfortunately, even people who have been in the workforce for decades may ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) With less than seven weeks to go before one of the most historic elections in our nation’s history, and when the GOP needs all the help it can get reaching Black voters, the Republican National Committee (RNC) is suing me, a Black Republican, over an event that I created. I ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) As you may have heard, African Americans face unique challenges daily. Some of these challenges are chronic ethical issues of injustice and inequality. Others are cultural issues like family & economic structure. Cultural issues often take a back seat to the unfair treatment endured, because WE purposely put them there. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There’s been a fierce debate about presidential debates. The debate is whether they really do make or break a presidential candidate. This start it all over again in the run-up to the three scheduled debates between GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The hard political ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Like plantation owners of the past, modern-day Democrat bosses are trying to transfer the allegiance of their black subjects to yet another Democrat presidential candidate. On Saturday, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation “honored” Hillary Clinton with the Trailblazer Award for becoming the first female presidential nominee of a major party. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Throughout my life, whenever I’ve gotten stuck – whether in a relationship or work challenge, financial dilemma or a stagnant workout plan – it is the power of honest self-reflection that has gotten me unstuck time and again. In seemingly dark, frustrating moments, the lightbulb comes in the form of ...