(ThyBlackMan.com) Today some of you are smiling, some of you are scratching your heads and others of you are disgusted. But whether you are male or female, democrat or republican or third party, you are likely wondering how Donald Trump won the election in the way that he did. Even though he has no experience. Even though he insulted women, war heroes, Hispanics, Muslims etc, in a close race Trump won. If you are wondering how this happened, keep reading and I am going to tell you.
It was not about TV commercials or campaign dollars spent. It was not about Hillary’s emails, Trump’s tweets, Russia or self-proclaimed deviant sexual behavior. It was neither about a wall nor immigration nor renegotiating trade deals.
In fact, it should be noted that Hillary Clinton received hundreds of thousands more American votes at the ballot box than Trump did. Thus more Americans voted for her. If we had a real democracy, Hillary Clinton would be president. But because of how the electoral college is set up to bypass the popular vote at the ballot box (coming from the people), this shows that the voting citizens of this country do not determine who will be president. Democracy in America is an illusion to make us feel we have the power when we really don’t. How irritating is must be to receive hundreds of thousands more votes than your opponent yet lose the election.
As a counselor and therapist well versed in psychology, I can say Trump won by recognizing and playing on three key things in the minds of many Americans – fear, anger and blame. Some say all of these were legitimate concerns and others dismiss them. But regardless of whether these things were real or not, they were and are seen as real in the minds of millions of people who appear to be sick and tired of how Washington D.C. operates The scary part of all of this is that Adolph Hitler used the exact same strategy and he was elected to power. I am not calling Trump a Hitler but the similar strategies used are undeniable.
Let’s talk about FEAR first. When people are afraid, they want reassurance that they will be alright. They want someone who has not been what they perceive as part of the problem. Fear will cause people to make decisions in ways they would not ordinarily choose. Fear causes people not to think clearly and to believe what they hear when it is comforting or reassuring to them. Trump’s message was that the terrorists are going to get you in he does not protect you. He got people to subconsciously believe that he was the only one who could protect them.
Next is ANGER. When people are angry, they want to find a target of that anger. Anger is contagious and Donald Trump stoked the fires of that anger at almost every rally. When anger spreads, the people who are angry position themselves not to “take it anymore“.
Finally we come to the issue of BLAME. Most people would rather blame someone else for their problems than to look in the mirror. like Hitler, Trump tapped into that character flaw around this country and milked it like a cow. When people are discontent and want to blame others, they will be quick to ignore facts and reason. Too many Americans bought into the Donald Trump lie of an apocalyptic America with terrorists at the door who could only be stopped by Trump. People readily ignored that unemployment was at a low of 4.9%. They refused to see, for example, that unemployment amongst African Americans is half of what it was when Obama took office.
THE REAL STATE OF THE NATION: Not Perfect But Not Apocalyptic
Those who voted for Donald Trump ignored the fact that the American auto industry, banking industry, housing market and stock markets have all bounced back. They refused to acknowledge that 20 million additional people have healthcare now, despite the problems with the Affordable Care Act. They ignored the FBI and Justice Dept. stats that showed crime was down in many areas. And no all of the black inner city neighborhoods are not Hell to walk through. The list goes on and Politifact found evidence that 70% of what trump said was a lie. Still foolish, uninformed people believed him anyway.
When President Obama came into office this country was losing about 800,000 jobs a month. Today, in November of 2016, this country has experienced 73 straight months of job growth.
The president is one person but the office of the presidency is an institution and bigger than any one man. because of issues like plausible deniability, the president is not told everything. Nor does he hold the top security clearance. For these reasons, and others, Trump will not be able to do all that he promised. It’s not that simple.
HITLER AND TRUMP: Shocking and Undeniable Similarities
Trump’s rhetoric full of lies and Hitler’s propaganda have a lot in common. Both were put in place to indoctrinate and brainwash the masses, regardless of the facts. All you have to do is fact check trump and you can see for yourself. Hitler and Trump were both outsiders who deceived millions of people, got elected to office and set out to change the very foundation of the government. Hitler was not even German but he controlled the minds of the Aryan people in Germany. In the cases of Trump and Hitler, people ignored their deception. People even ignored the character of who they were/are and instead paid attention to what the masses were told to believe. Yes this is a form of subtle mind control through the power of suggestion and misdirection.
The reason many of you do not know see what is afoot is because you have not studied indoctrination, brainwashing and mind control. Nor is it likely that you have studied Hitler’s strategies and propaganda. I have studied all of the above extensively and I look at the facts, not the rhetoric and not partisan likes or dislikes. Like Hitler, Trump beat all the odds, even though he had no experience. ironically, both were elected at a time when the new leader needed to be one with experience, not a novice. But because the citizens believed what these men said, they didn’t care about that either. How easy it is to trick people with deceptive rhetoric when they are fearful or angry and wanting to blame someone else for their problems.
Watch who Trump appoints to key positions. Donald Trump’s grandfather was German. trump appointed Steve Bannon (supporter of racists, anti-Semites and white supremacists) to a key position. Trump appointed Reince Priebus, also of German descent, to another key position.
We need to remember that it was a close race in both the electoral college and the popular vote. Over half of those who voted did not want Donald Trump to be President. Just over 100 million people voted when there are over 320 million people in this country. That means that roughly over 60% of the country did not even vote, could not vote or were not of age to vote. A whopping 43% of those qualified and/or registered to vote did not vote so again, the country did not elect Trump. CNN reported the day after the election that Hillary Clinton likely won the popular vote (your vote at the ballot box), but as I told you in other articles, the election has two systems whereby someone can win and the electoral college decides it. Therefore your vote counts but not nearly as much as you think. In this case, Donald trump won the presidency even though the majority of the people were not for him.
FREE TRUMP PRESIDENTIAL REPORT CARD: Email me at atlantacrimecommission@yahoo.com to get the Trump Presidential Report Card. It contains Donald trump’s top 20 promises or issues he said he would tackle and his position on each. use this card beginning January 20, 2017 and for the next 4 years. Share this report card with everybody you know including on social media and let’s see what happens.
Again another Trump deception. Before Obama put the deal together, there was NO agreement with Iran. Over the last year Israeli intelligence has been able to verify that Iran has been following the agreement. Furthermore, 200 countries signed on to support the agreement. for trump to cancel such a deal will have a political backlash, go against a coalition plan with broad support and take us back to the drawing board. Apparently Donald Trump does not realize this, or maybe he does and he does not care. It is not a perfect deal, but it is clearly a start. yet people believed Trump because too many Americans did not even know the advantages and terms of the agreement.
One stated mission of NATO is to contain Russia. Therefore it is interesting that Donald Trump has threatened to pull out of NATO, even though he used other reasons as excuses to support such a move. It is also interesting that Trump has direct ties to Russia through Paul Manafort who was a key person on the Trump team. At the time of this article we still don’t have Trump’s tax returns so we don’t know if Donald Trump has specific business dealings with Russia. United states nonpartisan intelligence agencies have determined that Russia hacked into this election to influence the outcome. So why does Russia want Donald Trump in charge so badly? Something is going on and it is not good. Connect the dots.
What can you expect in the way of disadvantages for African Americans and other “minorities” now that Donald trump is the 45th President? One of the biggest setbacks will be in police accountability and law enforcement reform. When Trump was asked in a debate about how he would repair relationships between the community and local law enforcement, he gave an answer that neither address the problem nor solved it. His answer reflected a clear lack of understanding the problem.
Donald Trump’s solution to police/community relations and law enforcement reform included the following: law and order, more police officers, jobs, education and cleaning up the inner city (black communities considered Hell) by getting rid of the criminals. Unfortunately none of that addresses police brutality, mentally unstable cops, racists cops, bully officers or poorly trained officers. All of the solutions he gave reflect back on the community itself as part of the problem instead of addressing problems with police officers. Therefore do not expect any push from him on a federal level for law enforcement reform. His unequivocal and blanket support of law enforcement indicates that.
People are scared and angry. More Americans voted for Hillary than for Trump but Trump will be President. qualified to vote did not vote in this election. whopping 43% of Americans who were registered or qualified to vote did not vote in this election. Steve Bannon of Breitbart (chief strategist and senior adviser to Trump) will play a key role in the Trump administration and Bannon is a white nationalist who would prefer that we turn the clock back to a time before the civil rights movement. Because Trump said he would deport 11.2 million Hispanic people, many of them are afraid.
Donald Trump’s father was arrested at a Klan rally, Trump has made racist comments, Trump has been sued for racism by the Justice department and Trump has appointed Bannon ( who appears to support racists) to a key position. Bannon is known to support racists, white supremacists and anti-Semetic Nazi types. When initially asked about the support he received from David Duke and the KKK, Trump played dumb, dodged the issue and pretended not to know who David Duke was. Later Trump changed his tune but his first response really showed us who Trump is. The picture here is clear.
Trump appointed Amerosa to be his liaison to the African American community. Really Donald? Amerosa is not seen as an activist protecting the interests of African Americans.
READ ABOUT STEVE BANNON HERE: https://www.romper.com/p/5-steve-bannon-quotes-that-explain-why-trumps-chief-strategist-pick-is-concerning-22563
What about protesting? If you want to peacefully protest, that is your right. but I would not suggest you cause yourself to get arrested under a Trump justice system if you are African American. make our voice heard. Write about it. speak about it. use social media. But stay legal for your own safety. And don’t let anyone tell you that your feelings, fears and concerns do not matter.
FREE TRUMP PRESIDENTIAL REPORT CARD Send an email request to atlantacrimecommission@yahoo.com
President Obama held a press conference on November 14, 2016. He said “the people have spoken” That is true Mr. President but more of those people spoke by voting for Hillary than for trump. President Obama went on t o say “that is how democracy works“. But that is also incorrect Mr. President. that is how the electoral college works. We do not have a democracy, we have a democratic republic. in a democracy the people actually have the power and Hillary would have been elected based on the popular vote at the ballot box. And a side note to the readers, I am neither a democrat nor a Hillary fan. I look at ALL the facts. WATCH WHO DONALD TRUMP APPOINTS AND GOOGLE THEM!
The clock starts in January of 2017. We need to watch what happens closely with the president who criticized Obama, the president with no experience, the president who insulted Muslims, Hispanics, African Americans, war heroes, women and the handicapped. Donald trump was not chosen by over half of the American citizens who voted in 2016. He has his hands full with domestic issues, North Korea, China, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, ISIS, Al Quaeda and his promises. one thing is for sure. Donald trump will find that it is not as easy to do all the things he said he would do when he was a candidate. The government does not work that way. but then again, maybe he knew it all along.
Staff Writer; Trevo Craw
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