(ThyBlackMan.com) A few years ago, I wrote one of the most difficult columns that I have ever had to write. In this particular column, I had to publicly deal with my sexuality and I had to finally confess to the public that I was heterosexual.
I was tired of living in the shadows and finally mustered up the courage to out myself. I was heartened that all my friends and family supported me and told me how courageous I was. Many of my celebrity friends called me and told me how proud they were of me and they understood that it took a lot of courage to publically admit that I like women.
Now, I have an equally difficult confession to make. To my friends and family, I hope this confession won’t affect how you feel and think about me.
After voting for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election and wholeheartedly supporting the Republican Party, I have finally come to terms with the fact that I am a racist. I am xenophobic. I hate women; I’m misogynistic. I hate Muslims; I’m Islamaphobic. And must I hate America, because I’m a fascist.
And because I refused to vote for Hillary Clinton, I obviously hate Blacks and other minorities, even though I am Black myself. I hate all immigrants and definitely want to send all women back to the Stone Age, the good ol’ days when they simply did what they were told.
How did I find myself in Clinton’s “basket of deplorables?” Because, I’ve been watching cable news and reading mainstream newspapers. I’ve also been listening to Black liberal media pundits like Roland Martin, Van Jones, Angela Rye, National Urban League President Marc Morial, and NAACP President Cornell Brooks.
They all said that since I voted for Donald Trump for president, I must be all of those things: racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, and Islamaphobic. The liberal political class also indicated, that in order to be absolved of my sins, I would have to confess that Hillary Clinton lost, because of the sexist, angry White men that voted against her.
Listening to these liberals whine and complain proves that they still don’t get why their candidate lost.
Memo to liberals: the customer (the voter) is always right.
As a political analyst, I am stunned that Hillary Clinton supporters are actually blaming the voters for her lost. They are calling the voters, dumb, angry, racist, and uneducated, or in Hillary’s own words, they are a “basket of deplorables.” This is never a good idea.
Donald Trump received 29 percent of the Hispanic vote and 8 percent of the Black vote; are they also dumb and racist?
College students across the country claimed to be so traumatized by Trump’s election that some schools like Yale University cancelled classes and provided grief counselors. I am not kidding, this actually happened.
What is amazing about last week’s election is the reaction by Hillary supporters. There has not been one charge that the election was not fair; her people simply don’t like the result and decided to take to the streets to march in protest.
Even the controversial 2000 presidential election that featured then-Texas Governor George W. Bush and Vice President Al Gore did not lead to this level of protest. No one disputed the fairness of that election; they disputed the counting of the votes. Eventually, even Al Gore accepted the results of the election and the country moved on.
Many of the people protesting last week simply didn’t like the results of the election. Memo to Hillary supporters: Donald Trump won, so, get over it. Stop whining and grow up!
Hillary and her supporters felt like they were entitled to the office of the presidency. They thought that they deserved the office, because she was a woman with the last name of Clinton. She had been running for president most of her life and now that they came so close, they refuse to reconcile the fact that the American people rejected her and her message.
Trump won on a campaign theme of “Make America Great Again.” The liberal response was, “When was America ever great?
America was great when President Lincoln freed the slaves. America was great when President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act in the 60s. America was great when we elected the first Black president in 2008.
America will always be great when voters accept the will of their fellow citizens when it comes to our free and fair elections. You don’t have to like the choice, but you must accept the result.
This is what makes America great.
Staff Writer; Raynard Jackson
Mr. Jackson is also founder of a political and industrial consultant firm which is based in Washington, DC; Raynard Jackson & Associates.
You are not a racist or any of those things you list. You’re just a fool. Do you have a daughter? I wonder how you will explain to her how you could bring yourself to vote for a man who thinks it’s ok to talk like that about women or blacks etc. Having said that I and others have to accept that we are the minority now. Move on? Yes, that’s all we can do. Shut up? Never.
Excellent article Mr Jackson,
I guess I’m in the same boat as you. Lol. Clinton supporters truly need to grow up and move on.
An interesting fact. If popular vote was what we lived by in this country, we would not have abolished slavery and women would not have been given the right to vote as the popular vote was against it. Our government isn’t perfect but it works.
I don’t know anyone who thinks Trump voters are necessarily racist, xenophobic, misogynist, reactionary, etc, &c. The profound disappointment is that they voted for someone who IS, someone who very clearly presented nothing but those things as his political platform. As if black, Hispanic, female, or jobless white males who voted for Trump actually thought he might do something in their favor. I wonder what they think now as he builds his team and Cabinet … “I didn’t think he really meant it!”? As for Make America Great Again, it looks to me as if this period of greatness aspired to is about 1948-1962, certainly a time when women and blacks were back in their places after the war and there were few Mexicans and other dark people stealing JOBS! Of course, most of those jobs were lost to automation, taken away by the decisions of white male capitalists. But hey! Why not vote for the white male capitalist party! You think Love Canal was bad? Just you wait …
Assholes again unite against someone with the balls to speak the truth. Thank you Raynard for writing this piece that I’m sure you knew would evoke the kind of response you are now getting from the ignorant, hate mongering, sore losers that would love to see this country go broke as long as they are on the reserving end of the handouts and vote-buying legislation the Dems have been pushing. So sorry for them that the hardworking class has finally stood up and been heard. Too bad the racist labeling they have used so effectively didn’t work this time. Keep up your rioting, looting and violent “protesting” to show you are the better option for America. Hopefully that too has run its course of effectiveness.
One more thing – bite me!
If any conciliation, I don’t think your racist. On a serious note, I would urge people to do some research into why we have the electoral college and its importance. It seems to be growing in sentiment to do away with it as “it’s outdated”. It goes to show the historical educational decline in our country that we don’t understand “why” it is needed. The irony here is that those calling for its abolition would be doing the same injustice to fairly every state in the heartland, rust belt…that they claim Trump is doing to minorities, women, LGBT – by making them irrelevant in the voting process. Trump will come and go, but eliminating the college would last. IF you feel it is fair that candidates pander to only 8-10 large urban areas and not the whole country you need to open a history book.
Finally someone who gets it. You can agree to disagree. Just because you don’t agree with someone’s vote, doors not mean you are entitled to insult and label them.
This upset me to read for so many reason.
First: Hilary supporters are upset because the nation spoke. Hilary won more popular votes, meaning MORE AMERICANS wanted her to be president. The electoral college is outdated and has proven this multiple time. It no longer represents the will of the people.
Second: There wasn’t protesting like this with the Al Gore/Bush thing because in that instanc, they were both politicians who, yes had opposing viewpoints, did not publicize hatred for Mexicans, muslims, blacks, disabled Americans, and the LGBTQIA community. Trump represents hatred in its rawer form. I do not think that everyone who voted trump is racist, but (as the meme says) everybody who voted trump has decided that being racist, misogynistic, xenophobic and homophobic is not a deal breaker. This means they are ok with others being that way. This should not be happening. How can you be ok with members of your family or community being belittled and straight out discriminat d against simply because it doesn’t affect you and you’re not the one doing it.
Third: Your complaint about schools offering grief counseling is way off base. I’m so happy that you think you will be fine with everything trump has planned but there are people from every community who now have to fear for their rights and even their life. People I have known for years are now being subject to attacks and bullying. Since trump is vocal about his prejudices, others feel they can be too without penealty
The moral of my story. Shame on you
Mr. Jackson, you are an Uncle Tom, Sambo, etc. who kisses the butt of White people even when the Republican Party sued you during the campaign! Shame on you, you are being used! You are a tool to preserve their White privilege! They have something to protect, their fortune (old money, and you do not have any!!!) earned on the back of our ancestors. You know that if a Black man like Trump said publicly that he did not pay any taxes for 20 years, he would be in prison right away. Blacks are the ones who should not have to pay any taxes in the Americas!!!
Go fuck yourself. The Orange Man Baby is uniquely unfit to be president and lost the popular vote by over 1million votes. As others said, get your facts straight about your mysoginst, racist, xenophobic bigot who you somehow think is cool.
Trump and Hitler: Shockingly Similar Both Inexperienced, Both Radicals, Both Hired Germans and Racists, Both Played on The Public’s Fear and Anger, Both Painted Deceptive Apocalyptic Views of the Country, Both Promoted Violence Against The Opposition , Both Went Against All Political Parties, Both Blamed A Group Of People For The Problems, Both Planned to Get Rid of Those People Labeled As The Problem, Both Elected Based On Deception – Not Facts, Both Wanted To Run Government As A Ruler – Not A Leader.
Memo to the Author,
Get your facts straight and just like Hitler rolled in, you don’t see what Trump is doing
To The Author,
Are you really that unempathetic or just plain ignorant? What gives you the right to invalidate the feelings of other people? that is the ambivalence that Trump supporters have constantly displayed and it is sad. Your article is a joke.
Furthermore, you might want to recognize that in a real democracy, Hillary would be President. Like Gore did, Hillary got more votes from the American people than her rival. but only our backwards system of “fairness” crowns the winner when he got less votes from the people.
As for the voter always being right, that is not correct. Nobody is always right. Furthermore, if we use your formula, over half a million more people voted for Hillary than Trump. So if the voter is always right, Hillary should be president.
I am not a Hillary supporter nor a democrat. I just look at all the facts. you should try it sometime. Learn balance. Everything is not in shades of liberal or conservative and everything is not a partisan issue.