(ThyBlackMan.com) November 8th,2016 saw the election of a new president. Many were banking on Hillary to win. Yet the sheer number of African-Americans who backed Trump have clearly no skills in studying a candidate closely. Most people should have been disturbed by his behavior mainly of a racist and bigoted nature. Trump basically sold himself to the uneducated masses including African-Americans. It does not surprise me or anyone in the black community is concerned that the uneducated bought the BS Donald Trump presented to them. The fact that they even went as far as to electing a man with questionable character and morals is beyond me or anyone for that matter.
Mostly the poor blacks and whites in the south made up the majority of the votes that elected Trump, but what’s sad is that all that mess he talked is going to cost a lot of people including blacks, whites,
latinos, and other ethnic groups. He’s made threats about deporting people when he can’t exactly get up and say that when he married two women who were both immigrants from Eastern Europe.
This also shows how black people need to stop complaining about how the world is this or that when the way you fix things is going to the polls and voting and that does not mean voting for someone who’s got questionable morals, personal character, and business ethics.
Blacks have complained about how their voices don’t matter when in fact they do they just don’t want to exercise it at the polls. When Barack Obama got elected that was the highest turn out for black voters, but what is not clear is why did so many uneducated blacks vote for Trump because over the course of a year he did a great job ranting and raving and insulting his way to the White House. Yet when all this was going on why were black people not speaking up then? This goes beyond the Black Lives Matter Movement it’s about voting for the best candidate to represent ALL people.
Unfortunately, the uneducated have no room to complain about who they voted for since obviously the Made in China hats and t-shirts that Trump was handing out like candy sounded too good to pass up. The motto Make America Great Again does not really ring well with the people who had to experience extreme violence at Trump rallies and other gatherings.
In honesty how does this affect our political system when we have people like Donald Trump who has NO political experience and has questionable behavior that’s well documented who can just buy his way into political office? He basically bought the uneducated black vote like he was buying groceries without a hitch and those who did vote for him have NO idea what they just contributed to and created.
Staff Writer; Nafeesah Abdullah
I am one of the uneducated blacks that voted for Trump…
Please allow me to spell this sentence correctly…
I one of the unedbucated blacks dat votted fo Trump..
Was that better idiot???