The Top Four Greatest Vices Towards Black Men In America.

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( For Black Men, America is The Belly Of The Beast & The Ultimate Death Trap. The bigots within the power structure want us dead not just physically, but also economically, socially, and spiritually.

Intro: Here are the top four greatest vices towards black men in America.

1. Alcohol – For a lot black men who can’t get jobs from Corporate America, they often turn to alcohol as a means of escape from the stress and disappointment of not getting the corporate job.

A lot of them also drank alcohol especially the dangerous codeine also known on the streets as purple drank because when big corporations are specifically targeting young black men promoting poisonous messages such as to stay drunk as much as possible. It creates broken homes, destructive behavior, memory loss, and an unhealthy addiction.12345-2017-youngblackmen

An actual example of this is when I remember a conversation that I had with my grandma many years ago and I remember her telling me that the last time she touched a bottle of liquor, she dranked so much of it that she couldn’t even remember where she was and hearing that tremendously horrified me and it was that moment in which I made the personal decision to stay away from drugs all together including alcohol.

2. Drugs – There are plenty of brothers that do some kind of drugs whether it be powder or purple drank aka codeine. Much of this is also promoted by Corporate America via bastardized urban music when young black men constantly hear poisonous messages on the corporate radio stations which rappers say “I Get High, High, High Everyday“, “I Be Sippin On Some Purple Drank” And like alcohol, it also creates broken homes, destructive behavior, memory loss, and an unhealthy addiction.

An actual example of this actually happened on one particular night in 2007 when me and my baby brother were taking a nap when suddenly, my older brother came in after slamming the front door so violently and I could tell that he was extremely high on street weed aka spice and was acting very aggressively by punching me and I didn’t back down from him and I was so mad that I fought him back and my baby brother broke up the scuffle. That’s how extremely dangerous street weed is to the minds of young black men these days.

3. Incarceration – America has a very sick toxic obsession for mass incarceration and most of the guys that are incarcerated are of black men. The reason why bigots in the power structure wanna lock us up is particularly for economic reasons because some of the biggest corporations in America like Wal-Mart and Burger King makes millions of dollars each year from the massive exploitation of free/cheap inmate labor. And on top of that the worst tortures and rapes towards a lot of brothers actually happen in prison and it’s egregious

4. Marginalization – After many of these brothers get out of prison, they become the main victims of being marginalized by not being able to provide for their families, can’t get the jobs they want, can’t get fair housing as well as other opportunities they want. That’s how they also kill these brothers spiritually, socially, and economically.

The Conclusion – We should teach our young men coming up about the dangers of these vices and teach them how to avoid them so they know not to get sucked in by them.

Staff Writer; Joe Davis

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