(ThyBlackMan.com) Now, guys, before you get your boxers in a wad, allow me to give you a brief synopsis of this experiment. It was created solely for Black Men. Moreover, its purpose is to help you become the person you can aspire to, despite your circumstances. Now brothas without further interruption, here is my challenge to you.
1. I challenge you to stop subscribing to the theory that you are the product of a widespread inferiority complex. Who ever created the notion that men of color are less important than other specimens, aren’t familiar with the thought process of this dynamic warrior who stands as a symbol of unrelenting courage. So, do your thing and do it good!
2. I challenge you to attain a quality education and use your talents wisely. No one ever said it would be easy, but if you need help in identifying someone who’s the epitome of intellect and competence, look no further than President Obama. He makes being educated look good, and so do you.
3. I challenge you to take pride in your ethnicity and to become conscious of your heritage. Hey guys, have you forgot that you are descendants of kings and queens? Well, act like it!
4. I challenge you to free your mind from the anger ingrained in your psyche. As the primary target of law enforcement officials, your anger is justified. But if you are to attain all you deserve, you have to let go of that anger. And if anyone can do this, you can.
5. I challenge you to refrain from the self-destructive behavior that has led to your position on the heavily-populated Criminals Are Us Roster. Any way you cut it, crime doesn’t pay. So, stop giving your detractors something to talk about!
6. I challenge you to release all resentment and stand on your own two feet. That means reaching out and grabbing life by the balls, until they scream, “You can let go now.”
7. I challenge you to stop letting other people determine your self-worth. Are you really going to let other people decide who you are, what you are, and what you can become? The answer is hell no!
8. I challenge you to combine the exultation of your soul, mind and body, and walk with your head high. By doing this, you will let the world know you are no longer influenced by biased criticism. Besides, when you look down, the only thing you see is the floor and the ground, so look up!
9. I challenge you to choose wisely, live honorably and always expect the best. Besides, nothing brings a smile to a man’s face like living life on all cylinders, and loving it.
10. I challenge you to assert your constitutional rights and to become optimistic about the future. As an American, you are entitled to the same rights and privileges as the rest of the red, white and blue population. Therefore, exercise your rights with unwavering conviction.
11. I challenge you to ascend to your hierarchy as a poised and confident leader, who refuses to crumble at the first sign of trouble. When trouble comes you way, face it, deal with it, then find a solution. And if that doesn’t work, ask the smartest woman you know, what she would do, then do it.
12. I challenge you to reclaim your role as “head of household,” a phrase used to describe a man capable of providing food, clothing and shelter for his family. Aren’t you tired of the world, referring to you as the “non-supportive” parent who makes babies, but is incapable of taking care of them? Then do something about it!
Finally, Black Men, I encourage you to commit yourself to these challenges. Only through mutual understanding and in-depth analysis, can you reach your greatest potential. Now, in the name of all things exceptional, rise my brothas rise!
Staff Writer; Peggy S. Butler
One may also view more of this talented writer work over at; http://peggysbutler.com. Also feel free to connect via Twitter; http://twitter.com/peggybutler647.
Those are very good challenges. Concerning number 4, I don’t believe by any means that all the anger is justified.
Things have gotten so bad that it’s less, and less American in African American.
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